Serendipity 2.0.1: Persistent XSS
Security Advisory – Curesec Research Team
1. Introduction
Affected Product: Serendipity 2.0.1
Fixed in: 2.0.2
Fixed Version Link:
Vendor Contact:
Vulnerability Type: Persistent XSS
Remote Exploitable: Yes
Reported to vendor: 07/21/2015
Disclosed to public: 09/01/2015
Release mode: Coordinated release
CVE: n/a
Credits Tim Coen of Curesec GmbH
2. Vulnerability Description
There is a persistent XSS vulnerability in Serendipity 2.0.1 when using
the default 2k11 theme. It requires a click of the victim to trigger.
The problem exists because the theme reads out the name field of a
comment using the jQuery .text() function, which decodes the previously
properly encoded name. It then inserts the result back into the DOM.
3. Proof of Concept
Add comment with name
Click "reply" on that comment
The admin may be tricked into clicking on reply by leaving a question as
comment or via ClickJacking.
4. Code
function serendipity_displayCommentForm
'commentform_replyTo' =>
serendipity_generateCommentList($id, $comments,
((isset($data['replyTo']) && ($data['replyTo'])) ? $data['replyTo'] : 0)),
function serendipity_generateCommentList(
$retval .= '