secunet Security Networks AG Security Advisory Advisory: Typo3 Core sanitizeLocalUrl() Non-Persistent Cross-Site Scripting 1. DETAILS ---------- Product: Typo3 CMS Vendor URL: Type: Cross-site Scripting[CWE-79] Date found: 2015-07-30 Date published: 2015-09-14 CVSSv2 Score: 3,5 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:N/I:P/A:N) CVE: CVE-2015-5956 2. AFFECTED VERSIONS -------------------- Typo3 6.2.14 and below Typo3 4.5.40 and below and other older versions may be affected too. 3. INTRODUCTION --------------- "With more than 500,000 installations TYPO3 CMS is the most widely used Enterprise Content Management System, providing the basis for websites, intranets and web & mobile applications worldwide." (from the vendor's homepage) 4. VULNERABILITY DETAILS ------------------------ The Typo3 version branches 6.x and 4.x are vulnerable to an authenticated, non-persistent Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability when user-supplied input is processed by the sanitizeLocalUrl() function. While there is already a XSS filter in place, it is possible to mitigate it by using a data URI with a base64 encoded payload. The payload is slightly different through the vulnerable branches, 6.x needs a space in the data URI payload, while 4.x doesn't. In the following proof of concepts, the javascript is used as a base64 encoded data URI in the "returnUrl" and "redirect_url" parameters, which can be found throughout Typo3. 4.x Branch Proof-of-Concept: The following request forges the "back" link in the Typo3 "Show record history" backend module:;base64,PH NjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgnWFNTJyk8L3NjcmlwdD4= 6.x Branch Proof-of-Concept: Typo3 uses the payload from the "redirect_url" parameter in the HTTP Location header and therefore "redirects" the victim to the payload after logging in:;base64,%20PH NjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgnWFNTJyk8L3NjcmlwdD4= 7.x Branch: The 7.x branch is basically vulnerable too, but the attacker additionally needs to know a secret token (moduleToken), which is included in every request in order to successfully exploit the vulnerability, which makes exploitation unfeasible. The following request forges the "back" link in the Typo3 "Show record history" backend module: 73d29e0a77d2f799e79ca3028de28&element=tt_content%3A1&returnUrl=&returnUrl=da ta:%20text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgnWFNTJyk8L3NjcmlwdD4= 5. SECURITY RISK ---------------- The vulnerability can be used to temporarily embed arbitrary script code into the context of the Typo3 backend interface, which offers a wide range of possible attacks such as stealing cookies or attacking the browser and its components. The exploit probability is different depending on the attacked parameters. In order to exploit the "redirect_url" parameter, the victim only has to login to the backend interface, while there is an even higher amount of user interaction needed to exploit the "returnUrl" parameter, because the victim needs to be logged in to the backend with appropriate access rights, follow the prepared link and has to click on the "Back" button in the view. 6. SOLUTION ----------- Update to TYPO3 versions 6.2.15 or 7.4.0 7. REPORT TIMELINE ------------------ 2015-07-30: Vulnerability discovered 2015-08-03: CVE requested from MITRE 2015-08-04: Vendor notified 2015-08-07: CVE-2015-5956 assigned 2015-08-07: Vendor acknowledges the vulnerability 2015-09-08: Vendor releases update and security advisory 2015-09-14: Advisory released 8. REFERENCES / CREDITS ----------------------- This vulnerability was discovered and researched by Julien Ahrens from secunet Security Networks AG. [0] -2015-009/ secunet Security Networks AG ---------------------------- secunet is one of Germany's leading providers of superior IT security. In close dialogue with its customers – enterprises, public authorities and international organisations – secunet develops and implements high-performance products and state-of-the-art IT security solutions. Thus, secunet not only keeps IT infrastructures secure for its customers, but also achieves intelligent process optimisation and creates sustainable added value. More information about secunet can be found at: -- secunet Security Networks AG Kronprinzenstraße 30 45128 Essen, Germany Local Court of Essen HRB 13615 Board of management: Dr. Rainer Baumgart (CEO), Thomas Pleines