1. Overview The LibRaw raw image decoder <= 0.17 has multi vulnerability to cause memory errors,which may cause code execution or other problems.Problems has been fixed in 0.17.1(www.libraw.org/news/libraw-0-17-1). 2.Descryption Case CVE-2015-8366,Libraw smal_decode_segment function do not handle index carefully,which may cause index overflow. Case CVE-2015-8367,Libraw phase_one_correct function do not handle memory object¡¯s initialization correctly,which may cause some other problems. 3.The Solution patches for this problem that changes the default is available(git-format-patch). 4.Recommendations We suggest you take one of the following actions, in order of preference: A - Upgrade LibRaw to the latest(www.libraw.org/download) B - Apply the patch to your version and rebuild 5.Vendor Status - 2015/11/24 I discovered the memory error bug and reported to the info@libraw.org. - 2015/11/25 The vendor response with the coordination and publish new release(www.libraw.org/news/libraw-0-17-1 ). - 2015/11/26 Cve-id request to the cve-assign@mitre.org. - 2015/11/27 Cve-id assigned,CVE-2015-8366 and CVE-2015-8367,Mailed Vendor. - 2015/11/30 Publish to fulldisclosure@seclists.org. 6.Credit: ChenQin of Topsec Security Team(www.topsec.com.cn) -- Huakong Mansion, 1 East Shangdi Road, Haidian District, Beijing,100085 CN