Vulnerabilities --------------- CVSS 10 - INSECURE CREDENTIAL STORAGE (Pass the Hash) CVE-2015-7914 CVSS 10 - INSECURE TRANSMISSION OF CREDENTIALS CVE-2015-7915 CVSS 7.4 - CROSS-SITE SCRIPTING CVE-2015-7916 Other risk exposures --------------- Undocumented default accounts Note that default accounts with changeable passwords, even when those are undocumented and do not look as user accounts neither in interface or documentation, constitute a formal vulnerability. It is at worst a misconfiguration. References (Source) --------------- This advisory: ICS CERT: Summary of the issues --------------- In short – By obtaining access to a system using undocumented accounts, it is possible to obtain a low privilege level. By exploiting the fact that the cashed credentials used for the “remember me” function of the web application employ the same encryption as the one used for protection of passwords included in backups, a user can elevate privileges to administrator level. The backups also contain other encrypted configuration information which can further an attacker’s access to also affect for example email accounts used for notifications. By accessing the system as an administrator, an attacker can obtain those credentials in plain text from the system as they are included in the configuration details, protected only by the use of “password” field-types in the forms. In essence this constitute a pass the hash vulnerability. Just as with which used hashed inputs to generate secure transfer of credentials over non encrypted connections, applying the same protection scheme to its stored, and exposed, secrets. Don’t do your own cryptography. A bit more details, sufficient for the interested reader to recreate but not a straight forward guide, available at the provided references. Martin Jartelius – CSO – Outpost24 John Stock – Technology Program Director – Outpost24