Security Advisory - Curesec Research Team 1. Introduction Affected Product: PivotX 2.3.11 Fixed in: not fixed Fixed Version Link: n/a Vendor Website: Vulnerability Type: Code Execution Remote Exploitable: Yes Reported to vendor: 01/20/2016 Disclosed to public: 03/15/2016 Release mode: Full Disclosure CVE: n/a Credits Tim Coen of Curesec GmbH 2. Overview PivotX is a CMS for blogging written in PHP. In version 2.3.11, it is vulnerable to code execution by authenticated users because it does not check the extension of files when renaming them. 3. Details Description CVSS: High 9.0 AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C The file upload functionality checks file extensions when uploading files to prevent the uploading of malicious files such as PHP files. However, the rename function does not check the extension of the new filename, leading to code execution. An account in the advanced users, admins, or superadmins role is required to upload files. Proof of Concept 1. Upload an image file containing PHP code with a valid extension such as png 2. rename it so it has a PHP extension: http://localhost/pivotx_latest/pivotx/ index.php?page=media&file=imageshell.png&pivotxsession=ovyyn4ob2jc5ym92&answer= shell.php 4. Solution This issue was not fixed by the vendor. 5. Report Timeline 01/20/2016 Informed Vendor about Issue 01/29/2016 Vendor replies, PivotX is not maintained anymore 03/15/2016 Disclosed to public Blog Reference: -- blog: tweet: Curesec GmbH Curesec Research Team Romain-Rolland-Str 14-24 13089 Berlin, Germany