##################### # Exploit Title: Wordpress Welcome Announcement Cross Site Scripting # Exploit Author: bl4ck_mohajem # Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/welcome-announcement/ # Tested On: Windows7 # Software Link: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/welcome-announcement.1.0.5.zip # Version: 1.0.5 ###################### # Vulnerable File and Codes: wa_options.php Lines(134-142-161-188-196-204-215-223-234-258-266) " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> ###################### # Exploit : For test Cross site scripting can use this code in all of the above inputs are vulnerable. ">< Address: http://localhost/pentest/wordpress/wp-admin/themes.php?page=wa_options ###################### # Patch : To fix this vulnerability you use htmlspecialchars() function . " /> And other lines, too. ###################### # tnx: Milad Hacking - n1arash - bl4ck_li0n -malah_sky ######################