Software: Quiz And Survey Master (Formerly Quiz Master Next)
Version: 4.5.4,4.7.8
Advisory report:
CVE: Awaiting assignment
CVSS: 5.8 (Medium; AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N)
CSRF/stored XSS in Quiz And Survey Master (Formerly Quiz Master Next) allows unauthenticated attackers to do almost anything an admin can
A CSRFA vulnerabilityA allows an unauthenticated attacker to add questions to existing quizzes.
The question_name parameter is put into a manually-constructed JavaScript objectA and escaped with esc_js() (php/qmn_options_questions_tab.php line 499). If the user (or attacker) creates a new question on a quizA containingA aa in the question_name field then aquestion: a<script>alert(1)</script>a,a will get outputA inside the JS object. All good so far.
However, inA js/admin_question.js on line 205, we see this line, as part of some JS-generated HTML:
jQuery(\'\').html(questions_list[i].question.replace(/\"/g, \'\"\').replace(/\'/g, \"\'\")).text()+
This looks okay. Weare creating a TEXTAREA element, setting its HTML to the value of the question_name parameter, and extracting the .text() of it. If we did jQuery(aa).html(aa).text() we would get aalert(1)a as the output.
However, thatas not how inline JavaScript gets parsed. Between a , the HTML parser actually parses a<a as a<a not as a