Details ================ Software: Responsive Poll Version: 1.6.4,1.7.4 Homepage: Advisory report: CVE: Awaiting assignment CVSS: 5.8 (Medium; AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N) Description ================ CSRF/XSS in Responsive Poll allows unauthenticated attackers to do almost anything an admin can Vulnerability ================ This plugin lacks CSRF checks when updating polls meaning an unauthenticated attacker can cause anything to be modified in a poll. The plugin also fails to escape values put into HTML. The combination of these two means that an unauthenticated attacker can put arbitrary JavaScript into a page in /wp-admin/. Proof of concept ================ Create a poll.A We assume that the ID of this poll will be 1. Visit the following page and click submit (in a real attack the form can be submitted without user interaction):
Then visitA http://localhost/wp-admin/admin.php?page=polls&action=edit&edit_poll=1 and focus the Question field (either via clicking on it or tabbing to it). Mitigations ================ Disable the plugin until a new version is released that fixes this bug. Disclosure policy ================ dxw believes in responsible disclosure. Your attention is drawn to our disclosure policy: Please contact us on to acknowledge this report if you received it via a third party (for example, as they generally cannot communicate with us on your behalf. This vulnerability will be published if we do not receive a response to this report with 14 days. Timeline ================ 2015-09-15: Discovered 2016-12-07: Reported to vendor viaA 2016-12-07: Requested CVE 2016-12-15: Vendor first replied 2017-01-10:A Itas been over 30 days and the vendorA has not reported the bug fixed orA indicatedA when they expect it to be fixed 2017-01-10:A Advisory published Discovered by dxw: ================ Tom Adams Please visit for more information.