#Title: eBay Auction Premium Clone Script - SQL injection
#Credit: Bilal KARDADOU
#Vendor: http://bimedia.info
#Vendor URL: http://bimedia.info/ebay-auction-premium-clone-script/
#Product: eBay Auction Premium Clone Script
#Demo: http://ebayp.clonedemo.com/
#Google Dork: N/A
# Product & Service Introduction:
# "eBay Auction Premium Clone Script"
# This is the ULTIMATE eBay Auction Script! Comes with all the features of
our eBay Lite plus much more, look below.
# PoC:
# http://prntscr.com/eyrp2t
# http://prntscr.com/eyrrc2
# Bilal KARDADOU - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kardadou/)
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Bilal Kardadou
IT Security Consultant & Bug Bounty Hunter
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The more control you impose the less control you have.