# Exploit Title: PlaySMS 1.4 Code Execution using $filename and Unrestricted File Upload in sendfromfile.php # Date: 14-05-2017 # Software Link: https://playsms.org/download/ # Version: 1.4 # Exploit Author: Touhid M.Shaikh # Contact: http://twitter.com/touhidshaikh22 # Website: http://touhidshaikh.com/ # Category: webapps 1. Description Unrestricted File Upload: Any registered user can upload any file because of not proper Validation of file in sendfromfile.php Code Execution using $filename Now We know sendfromfile.php accept any file extension and just read content not stored in server. But there is bug when user upload example: mybackdoor.php server accept happily but not store in any folder so our shell is useless. But if User change the file name to "mybackdoor.php" to ".php" den server check for file and set some perameter $filename=".php" , U can see code below and display $filename on page. For More Details : www.touhidshaikh.com/blog/ 2. Proof of Concept Login as regular user (created using index.php?app=main&inc=core_auth&route=register): Go to : This is Form. ----------------------------Form for upload CSV file ----------------------
------------------------------Form ends --------------------------- -------------PHP code for set parameter --------------------------- case 'upload_confirm': $filename = $_FILES['fncsv']['name']; ------------------------------php code ends --------------------------- $filename will be visible on page: ----------------------Vulnerable perameter show ---------------------- line 123 : $content .= _('Uploaded file') . ': ' . $filename . ''; ----------------------------------------------------------------------