# Exploit Title: DlxSpot - Player4 LED video wall - Arbitrary File Upload to RCE # Google Dork: "DlxSpot - Player4" # Date: 2017-05-14 # Discoverer: Simon Brannstrom # Authors Website: https://unknownpwn.github.io/ # Vendor Homepage: http://www.tecnovision.com/ # Software Link: n/a # Version: >1.5.10 # Tested on: Linux # About: DlxSpot is the software controlling Tecnovision LED Video Walls all over the world, they are used in football arenas, concert halls, shopping malls, as roadsigns etc. # CVE: CVE-2017-12929 # Linked CVE's: CVE-2017-12928, CVE-2017-12930. # Visit my github page at https://github.com/unknownpwn/unknownpwn.github.io/blob/master/README.md for complete takeover of the box, from SQLi to root access. ############################################################################################################################### Arbitrary File Upload leading to Remote Command Execution: 1. Visit http://host/resource.php and upload PHP shell. For example: 2. RCE via http://host/resource/source/shell.php?c=id 3. Output: www-data TIMELINE: 2017-05-14 - Discovery of vulnerabilities. 2017-05-15 - Contacted Tecnovision through contact form on manufacturer homepage. 2017-06-01 - No response, tried contacting again through several contact forms on homepage. 2017-08-10 - Contacted Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) requesting CVE assignment. 2017-08-17 - Three CVE's assigned for the vulnerabilities found. 2017-08-22 - With help from fellow hacker and friend, byt3bl33d3r, sent an email in Italian to the company. 2017-09-18 - No response, full public disclosure.