# Exploit Title: Multiple Stored XSS in EPESI
# Date: 10/03/2017
# Exploit Author: Zeeshan Shaikh
# Vendor Homepage: http://epe.si/
# Software Link: http://epe.si/download/
# Version: 1.8.2 rev20170830
# CVE : CVE-2017-14712 to CVE-2017-14717
# Category: webapps
XSS 1 (Tasks - Title)
Steps to recreate:
1. Home->Tasks->add new
2. Enter title as "MYTITLE" and fill required details but don't click save
3. Start interceptor and intercept request
4. click save
5. Now replace MYTITLE with "alertme"(without
6. Home->click on alertme
XSS 2 (Tasks - Description)
Steps to recreate:
1. Create a new task and fill description as "MYDESC" but don't click on
2. Start intercepting request and then click save on browser
3. Now replace MYDESC with ""
4. Go to Home(make sure task applet is there) -> Mouseover on i icon
XSS 3 (Tasks/Phonecall - Notes - Title)
Steps to recreate:
1. Home->Tasks/PhoneCall->Notes->add new
2. Steps same as XSS 1
3. Click on alertme in notes section
XSS 4 (Tasks - Alerts - Title)
Steps to recreate:
1. Home->Tasks->Notes->add new
2. Steps same as XSS 1
3. Click on alertme in alerts section
XSS 5 (Phonecalls - Subject)
Steps to recreate:
1. Create a new phonecall and fill subject as "MYSUB" but don't click on
2. Start intercepting request and then click save on browser
3. Now replace MYSUB with ""
4. Go to Home(make sure task applet is there) -> Mouseover on i icon
XSS 6 (Phonecalls - Description)
Same as XSS 5