*Description:* URL: localhost/ Affected Component: */?n0ipr0csn0ipr0cs=1* *Vulnerability Type:* Cross Site Scripting https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html *Vendor of Product: * Flexense Disksavvy *Version: * from v10.4 to v10.7. *Attack Type: * Remote *Impact: * This attack allows an attacker code execution. The vulnerability affects the confidentiality of personal data, possible theft of confidential information, for example credentials of session, cookie information, personal information, or a possible loss of control of the PC. *About:* DiskSavvy is a disk space usage analyzer capable of analyzing disks, network shares, NAS devices and enterprise storage systems. Users are provided with multiple disk usage analysis and file classification capabilities allowing one to gain an in-depth visibility into how the disk space is used, save reports and perform file management operations. *Credits:* This vulnerability have been discovered by Francisco Javier Santiago VA!zquez aka "n0ipr0cs" https://es.linkedin.com/in/francisco-javier-santiago-v%C3%A1zquez-1b654050 https://twitter.com/n0ipr0cs *Disclosure Timeline:* April 07, 2018: Vulnerability acquired by Francisco Javier Santiago VA!zquez. aka "n0ipr0cs". April 07, 2018: Responsible disclosure to Flexense Security Team. April 18, 2018: Second Message Responsible disclosure to Flexense Security Team. April 25, 2018: The vulnerability has been fixed.The new product version (v10.8) fixes a number of bugs and security vulnerabilities, this include CVE-2018-10565 April 30, 2018: Disclosure of vulnerability. *Link:* http://blog.n0ipr0cs.io/post/2018/04/29/XSS-Flexense- DiskBoss-Enterprise-all-versions F. Javier Santiago VA!zquez about.me/javiersantiagovazquez