# Exploit Title: Joomla! extension EkRishta 2.10 - Persistent Cross-Site Scripting / SQL Injection # Dork: N/A # Date: 2018-05-18 # Exploit Author: Sina Kheirkhah || (Sina.For.Sec@gmail.com) # Software Link: https://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/living/dating-a-relationships/ek-rishta/ # Vendor Homepage: https://www.joomlaextensions.co.in/ # Version: 2.10 # Category: Webapps # CVE: N/A # # # #POC-1) Cross site scripting (XSS) : # # # Description: # # 1)create a profile # 2)you can use your payload in profile info page # 3)for example in Address field you can use "> # 4)now the Payload will be executed whenever someone visits your profile # # # POC-2) SQL Injection: # # Description: # 1)the website has filtered all the inputs for sql injection BUT # you can use the user_setting page in order to Inject SQL code # by using POST method # http://localhost/ekrishta/index.php/profile/user_setting # #