[Description] SAPUI5 1.0.0 and the SAP Gateway versions 7.5, 7.51, 7.52 and 7.53 is vulnerable to Content Spoofing in multiples parameters. ------------------------------------------ CVE CVE-2019-0319 ------------------------------------------ [Impact] An attacker could thus mislead a user to believe this information is from the legitimate service when it's not. ------------------------------------------ [VulnerabilityType Other] Content Spoofing ------------------------------------------ [Vendor of Product] SAP ------------------------------------------ [Affected Product] SAPUI5 1.0.0 and the SAP Gateway versions 7.5, 7.51, 7.52 and 7.53 ------------------------------------------ [PoC] Tested in SAPUI5 1.0.0 PoC: https://sapmobile.target.com/sap/opu/odata/UI2/INTEROP/PersContainers(category='P ',id='flp.settings.FlpSettings')?$expand=PersContainerItemsu1kpa_HACKED_&sap-cache-id=D49C673A8D0D275477C7CD1FBFA3EE31 ------------------------------------------ [Attack Type] Remote ------------------------------------------ [Reference] https://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/148.html https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-0319 ------------------------------------------ [Discoverer] Offensive0Labs - Rafael Fontes Souza References below: "SAP Product Security Response Team seg, 8 de jul 04:33 (há 6 dias) para eu, SAP Hello Rafael, We are pleased to inform you that we are releasing the following security note on July Patch Day 2019: Sec Incident ID(s) 1870475251 Security Note 2752614 Security Note Title [CVE-2019-0319] Content Injection Vulnerability in SAP Gateway Advisory Plan Date 10/09/2019 Delivery date of fix/Patch Day 07/09/2019 CVSS Base Score 4.3 CVSS Base Vector NLNR | U | NLN Credits go to: Offensive0Labs, Rafael Fontes Souza *Notes will be visible to customers on 9th of July 2019. https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/PSR/Acknowledgments+to+Security+Researchers "