# Exploit Title: GUnet OpenEclass 1.7.3 E-learning platform - 'month' SQL Injection # Google Dork: intext:"© GUnet 2003-2007" # Date: 2020-03-02 # Exploit Author: emaragkos # Vendor Homepage: https://www.openeclass.org/ # Software Link: http://download.openeclass.org/files/1.7/eclass-1.7.3.tar.gz # Version: 1.7.3 (2007) # Tested on: Ubuntu 12 (Apache 2.2.22, PHP 5.3.10, MySQL 5.5.38) # CVE : - Older versions are also vulnerable. Source code: http://download.openeclass.org/files/1.7/eclass-1.7.3.zip http://download.openeclass.org/files/1.7/eclass-1.7.3.tar.gz Setup instructions: http://download.openeclass.org/files/docs/1.7/Install.pdf Changelog: https://download.openeclass.org/files/docs/1.7/CHANGES.txt Manual: https://download.openeclass.org/files/docs/1.7/eClass.pdf ############################################################################ Unauthenticated Information Disclosure System info (powered by phpSysInfo 2.0 that is also vulnerable) Web-App version info ############################################################################ (Authenticated - Requires student account) - Error-Based SQLi sqlmap -u "" --batch --dump --- Parameter: month (GET) Type: error-based Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause (FLOOR) Payload: month=5' AND (SELECT 9183 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170717671,(SELECT (ELT(9183=9183,1))),0x716b706b71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- Hztw&year=2020' --- Almost every parameter will be either error-based, boolean-based or time-based vulnerable. If you have a student account I recommend using this error-based SQLi because you will get all the database content really faster. If you dont have an account use the following exploit that exploits an unauthenticated time-based blind injection. It will definately be a slower proccess but you will get the administrator account pretty fast and move on with exploiting other authenticated vulnerabilities. https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/48106 ############################################################################ (Authenticated - Requires student account) - PHP upload file extension bypass If you have a student account you can bypass file extension restrictions and upload a PHP shell. Register as user if the application is configured to allow registrations or use an SQLi to find an account that already exists. Start looking for a class that you can submit an exercise as a student. Register in that class and navigate to submit you exercise. If you try to upload a .php file it will be renamed to .phps to prevent execution. You can upload your PHP shell by spoofing the extension simply by renaming your .php file to .php3 or .PhP Once you have uploaded it, open your course directory and then add "work" directory at the end Course link example: Course link becomes: Directory listing will most likely be enabled by default and you will be able to view the directories. Your shell will be in one of the multiple random alphanumeric directories that look like this /4a0c01h2nad9b/ Final shell link will look like this: The same method works with "groups" if you cant find a class that supports submitting an exercise. ############################################################################ (Authenticated - Requires student account) - View assessments of other students If you have a student account you can view uploaded assessments from other students before or after the deadline that the professor has set. Find the course link you are interested in. Add "work" directory at the end Directory listing will most likely be enabled by default and you will be able to view and download other students' uploaded assessments. ############################################################################ (Authenticated - Requires admin account) - Upload PHP files You have to login to the platform as an administrator or user with admin rights. You can grab the administrator credentials as plaintext with an Unauthenticated Blind SQL Injection using the following exploit https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/48106 or use the authenticated SQLi for faster results. Once you have logged in as admin: 1) Navigate to 2) Upload your .php shell compressed in a .zip file 3) Ignore the error message 4) Your PHP file is now uploaded to[your-shell-name].php ############################################################################ (Authenticated - Requires admin account) - phpMyAdmin Remote Access phpMyAdmin is installed by default and allows remote logins Once you have uploaded your shell can view the config.php file that contains the mysql password ############################################################################ (Authenticated - Requires admin account) - Plaintext password storage When logged in as admin you can view all registered users credentials as plaintext.