# Exploit Title: Sysaid 20.1.11 b26 - Remote Command Execution # Google Dork: intext:"Help Desk Software by SysAid " # Date: 2020-03-09 # Exploit Author: Ahmed Sherif # Vendor Homepage: https://www.sysaid.com/free-help-desk-software # Software Link: [https://www.sysaid.com/free-help-desk-software # Version: Sysaid v20.1.11 b26 # Tested on: Windows Server 2016 # CVE : CVE-2020-10569 GhostCat Attack The default installation of Sysaid is enabling the exposure of AJP13 protocol which is used by tomcat instance, this vulnerability has been released recently on different blogposts . *Proof-of-Concept* [image: image.png] *Unauthenticated File Upload * It was found on the Sysaid application that an attacker would be able to upload files without authenticated by directly access the below link: http://REDACTED:8080/UploadIcon.jsp?uploadChatFile=true&parent= In the above screenshot, it shows that an attacker can execute commands in the system without any prior authentication to the system.