########################################################################## # Bolt CMS <= 3.7.0 Multiple Vulnerabilities # ########################################################################## Author - Sivanesh Ashok | @sivaneshashok | stazot.com Date : 2020-03-24 Vendor : https://bolt.cm/ Version : <= 3.7.0 CVE : CVE-2020-4040, CVE-2020-4041 Last Modified: 2020-07-03 --[ Table of Contents 00 - Introduction 01 - Exploit 02 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 02.1 - Source code analysis 02.2 - Exploitation 02.3 - References 03 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 03.1 - Preview generator 03.1.1 - Exploitation 03.2 - System Log 03.2.1 - Source code analysis 03.2.2 - Exploitation 03.3 - File name 03.3.1 - Source code analysis 03.3.2 - Exploitation 03.3.3 - References 03.4 - JS file upload 03.4.1 - Exploitation 03.5 - CKEditor4 03.5.1 - Exploitation 04 - Remote Code Execution 04.1 - Source code analysis 04.2 - Exploitation 04.3 - References 05 - Solution 06 - Contact --[ 00 - Introduction Bolt CMS is an open-source content management tool. This article details the multiple vulnerabilities that I found in the application. The vulnerabilities when chained together, resulted in a single-click RCE which would allow an attacker to remotely take over the server. The link to the exploit is provided in the next section. --[ 01 - Exploit Chaining all the bugs together results in a single-click RCE. The exploit that does that can be found in the link below. https://github.com/staz0t/exploits/blob/master/SA20200324_boltcms_csrf_to_rce.html Host the exploit code in a webpage and send the link to the admin. When the admin opens the link, backdoor.php gets uploaded and can be accessed via, http://targetbolt.com/files/backdoor.php?cmd={insert_cmd_here} --[ 02 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Bolt CMS lacks CSRF protection in the preview generating endpoint. Previews are intended to be generated by the admins, developers, chief-editors, and editors, who are authorized to create content in the application. But due to lack of CSRF protection, an unauthorized attacker can generate a preview. This CSRF by itself does not have a huge impact. But this will be used with the XSS, which are described below. --[ 02.1 - Source code analysis The preview generation is done by preview() function which is defined in vendor/bolt/bolt/src/Controller/Frontend.php:200 and there is no token verification present in the function. --[ 02.2 - Exploitation The request that is can be forged is, ----[ request ]---- POST /preview/page HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost content_edit[_token]=hTgbvurWl5fZ4m20bnb1AZCRrv8wFT0hzvjQi1TMW_wcontenttype=pages&title=title&slug=testpage1&teaser=teaser1&body=body1&id=1337 ----[ request ]---- To exploit this vulnerability an attacker has to, 1. Make an HTML page with a form that has the required parameters shown above. The content_edit[_token] is not required. 2. Use JS to auto-submit the form. 3. Host it on a website and send the link to the victim. i.e., an authorized user. When the victim opens the link, the browser will send the request to the server and will follow the redirect to the preview page. This CSRF by itself does not have a huge impact. But this will be used with the XSS, which are described below. --[ 02.3 - References [CVE-2020-4040] - https://github.com/bolt/bolt/security/advisories/GHSA-2q66-6cc3-6xm8 --[ 03 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) The application is vulnerable to XSS in multiple endpoints, which could be exploited by an attacker to execute javascript code in the context of the victim user. --[ 03.1 - Preview generator The app uses CKEditor to get input from the users and hence any unsafe inputs are filtered. But the request can be intercepted and manipulated to add javascript in the content, which gets executed in the preview page. Hence the preview generator is vulnerable to reflected XSS. --[ 03.1.1 - Exploitation ----[ request ]---- POST /preview/page HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost contenttype=pages&title=title&slug=testpage1&teaser=teaser1&body=&id=151 ----[ request ]---- ----[ response ]---- . . .
teaser1 . . . ----[ response ]---- As shown above the payload in the request's body parameter is reflected in the response. An attacker can chain the above explained CSRF with this vulnerability to execute javascript code on the context of the victim user. --[ 03.2 - System Log The 'display name' of the users is vulnerable to stored XSS. The value is not encoded when displayed in the system log, by the functionality that logs the event when an authorized user enables, disables or deletes user accounts. The unencoded 'display name' is displayed in the system log, hence allowing the execution of javascript in the context of admin or developer since those are the roles that are allowed to access the system log, by default. --[ 03.2.1 - Source code analysis The vulnerability is in the vendor/bolt/bolt/src/Controller/Backend/Users.php where the user actions are performed and logged. There are two variables that store and are used to display user data in this code. $user and $userEntity. It can be seen that $userEntity is initiated with the values after being passed to $form->isValid(). This shows that $user has the unencoded input and $userEntity has the encoded input. In line 341, the code adds an entry to the log when a user updates their profile. It can be seen that it uses $userEntity->getDisplayName(), hence the displayed user input is encoded. But in line 279, there is a switch case condition that logs the respective actions of enable, disable, delete in the system log. ----[ code segment ]---- switch ($action) { case 'disable': if ($this->users()->setEnabled($id, false)) { $this->app['logger.system']->info("Disabled user '{$user->getDisplayname()}'.", ['event' => 'security']); $this->flashes()->info(Trans::__('general.phrase.user-disabled', ['%s' => $user->getDisplayname()])); } else { $this->flashes()->info(Trans::__('general.phrase.user-failed-disabled', ['%s' => $user->getDisplayname()])); } break; case 'enable': if ($this->users()->setEnabled($id, true)) { $this->app['logger.system']->info("Enabled user '{$user->getDisplayname()}'.", ['event' => 'security']); $this->flashes()->info(Trans::__('general.phrase.user-enabled', ['%s' => $user->getDisplayname()])); } else { $this->flashes()->info(Trans::__('general.phrase.user-failed-enable', ['%s' => $user->getDisplayname()])); } break; case 'delete': if ($this->isCsrfTokenValid() && $this->users()->deleteUser($id)) { $this->app['logger.system']->info("Deleted user '{$user->getDisplayname()}'.", ['event' => 'security']); $this->flashes()->info(Trans::__('general.phrase.user-deleted', ['%s' => $user->getDisplayname()])); } else { $this->flashes()->info(Trans::__('general.phrase.user-failed-delete', ['%s' => $user->getDisplayname()])); } break; default: $this->flashes()->error(Trans::__('general.phrase.no-such-action-for-user', ['%s' => $user->getDisplayname()])); } ---- [ code segment ]---- As shown above, the code uses $user->getDisplayName() instead of $userEntity->getDisplayName(), which leads to the display of unencoded user input. --[ 03.2.2 - Exploitation Here is how an attacker with any role can execute javascript code in the context of the victim. 1. Log in and go to your profile settings and set your display name to some javascript payload. For example, This payload will send the admin's cookies to attacker's server 2. Now request the admin (or the victim user) to disable your account. When the admin visits the system log or the mini system log that is shown on the right side of the Users & Permissions page, the payload gets executed in the admin's browser. --[ 03.3 - Filename The file name is vulnerable to stored XSS. It is not possible to inject javascript code in the file name when creating/uploading the file. But, once created/uploaded, it can be renamed to inject the payload in it. --[ 03.3.1 - Source code analysis The function that is responsible for renaming files is renameFile(), which is defined in vendor/bolt/bolt/src/Controller/Async/FilesystemManager.php:335 ----[ code segment ]---- public function renameFile(Request $request) { // Verify CSRF token $this->checkToken($request); $namespace = $request->request->get('namespace'); $parent = $request->request->get('parent'); $oldName = $request->request->get('oldname'); // value assigned without any validation $newName = $request->request->get('newname'); if (!$this->isExtensionChangedAndIsChangeAllowed($oldName, $newName)) { return $this->json(Trans::__('general.phrase.only-root-change-file-extensions'), Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN); } if ($this->validateFileExtension($newName) === false) { return $this->json( sprintf("File extension not allowed: %s", $newName), Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); } try { // renaming with the same unvalidated value $this->filesystem()->rename("$namespace://$parent/$oldName", "$parent/$newName"); return $this->json($newName, Response::HTTP_OK); } catch (ExceptionInterface $e) { $msg = Trans::__('Unable to rename file: %FILE%', ['%FILE%' => $oldName]); $this->logException($msg, $e); if ($e instanceof FileExistsException) { $status = Response::HTTP_CONFLICT; } elseif ($e instanceof FileNotFoundException) { $status = Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } else { $status = Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } return $this->json($msg, $status); } } ----[ code segment ]---- As shown above, $newName is initiated with value directly from the request, without any validation or filtering. This allows an attacker to inject javascript code in the name while renaming, making it vulnerable to stored XSS. A interesting thing is, if the server is hosted on Windows it is not possible to create files with special characters like <, >. So if this attack is tried on Bolt CMS that is hosted on Windows it will not work. But Linux allows special characters in file names. So, this works only if the application is hosted on a Linux machine. --[ 03.3.2 - Exploitation 1. Create or upload a file. 2. Rename it to inject javascript code in it. For example, This payload will send the victim's cookies to attacker's server 3. When the admin (or the victim user) visits the file management page, the payload gets executed. --[ 03.3.3 - References [CVE-2020-4041] - https://github.com/bolt/bolt/security/advisories/GHSA-68q3-7wjp-7q3j --[ 03.4 - JS file upload This stored XSS is a logical flaw in the application. By default in the config.yml file, the application allows the following file types. ----[ code segment ]---- accept_file_types: [ twig, html, js, css, scss, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, ico, zip, tgz, txt, md, doc, docx, pdf, epub, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, mp3, ogg, 1wav, m4a, mp4, m4v, ogv, wmv, avi, webm, svg ] ----[ code segment ]---- It can be seen that it allows js and HTML files. --[ 03.4.1 - Exploitation An attacker with permission to upload files can exploit this to to upload an HTML file with some javascript in it or include the uploaded js file into the HTML. When the victim visits the uploaded file, the javascript code gets executed in the context of the victim. --[ 03.5 - CKEditor4 Bolt CMS uses CKEditor4 in the blogs to get input. CKEditor4 by default filters malicious HTML attributes but not the src attribute. So, it can be exploited by using javscript URL in the src of an iframe. It is important to not rely on CKEditor4 for XSS prevention since it is only a client side filter, and not a server-side validator. --[ 03.5.1 - Exploitation To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker with permission to create/edit blogs should, 1. Open the 'New Blog' page. 2. Select the 'source mode' in CKEditor4 and enter the payload