<-- # Exploit Title: eClass - Learning Management System Arbitrary File Upload # Google Dork: N/A # Date: 30/11/2020 # Exploit Author: Sohel Yousef - sohel.yousef@yandex.com # Software Link:https://mediacity.co.in/eclass # Software link 2: https://codecanyon.net/item/eclass-learning-management-system/25613271 # Software Demo :https://mediacity.co.in/eclass/demo/public/ # Version: ( Version 2.6 ) # Category: webapps 1. Description eclass learning script contain arbitrary file upload registered user can upload .php files in profile picture section without any security profile link : localhost /eclass/demo/public/profile/show/ edit profile photo and upload php files and inspect element your php direction uploaded file direction local host /eclass/demo/public/images/user_img/16067501901.php <---- random id just right click the photo and use inspect element you will have your direction ##### -->