# Exploit Authors: Timothy Tan , Daniel Tan, Yu EnHui, Khor Yong Heng
# CVE: CVE-2020-26564
# Exploit Title: ObjectPlanet Opinio version 7.13/7.14 allows XXE injection
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.objectplanet.com/opinio/
# Software Link: https://www.objectplanet.com/opinio/
# Exploit Authors: Timothy Tan , Daniel Tan, Yu EnHui, Khor Yong Heng
# CVE: CVE-2020-26564
# Timeline
- September 2020: Initial discovery
- October 2020: Reported to ObjectPlanet
- November 2020: Fix/patch provided by ObjectPlanet
- July 2021: CVE-2020-26564
# 1. Introduction
Opinio is a survey management solution by ObjectPlanet that allows surveys to be designed, published and managed.
# 2. Vulnerability Details
ObjectPlanet Opinio before version 7.13 and 7.14 is vulnerable to XXE injection.
# 3. Proof of Concept
### XXE leading to local file disclosure ###
Step 1:
URL: /opinio/admin/file.do?action=viewEditFileResource&resourceType=6&resourcePatch=upload/css/common/blueSurvey.css
Opinio allows an administrative user to edit local CSS files, this is used to change the contents of a CSS file to a dtd reference file for the XXE injection
The existing blueSurvey.css file was chosen for this PoC. Replace the contents of the file with:
Step 2:
Utilize Opinios survey module and create a generic survey template. Export the template .xml file and add this snippet into the top of the .xml file:
Ensure the surveyIntro tag is inserted with the following payload (This will output the result in the
surveyIntro field):
The base directory can be guessed via the information under Setup >> Edit System Settings , this page on Opinio shows the local directory of where Opinio was installed to.
Import the modified .xml file to:
Step 3:
The C:\Users\ directory can be viewed at :
This vulnerability was confirmed by ObjectPlanet Opinio in their patch notes which can be found at : https://www.objectplanet.com/opinio/changelog.html
# 4. Remediation
Apply the latest fix/patch from objectplanet.
# 5. Credits
Timothy Tan (https://sg.linkedin.com/in/timtjh)
Khor Yong Heng (https://www.linkedin.com/in/khor-yong-heng-66108a120/)
Yu EnHui (https://www.linkedin.com/in/enhui-yu-88691b15b/)
Daniel Tan (https://www.linkedin.com/in/dantanjk/)