*Background:* Microsoft makes use of a number of different domains and subdomains for each of their Azure services. From SQL databases to SharePoint drives, each service maps to its respective domain/subdomain, and with the proper toolset, these can be identified through DNS enumeration to yield information about the target domain's infrastructure. enum_azuresubdomains.rb is a Metasploit module for enumerating public Azure services by validating legitimate subdomains through various DNS record queries. This cloud reconnaissance module rapidly identifies API services, storage accounts, key vaults, databases, and more! Expedite your cloud reconnaissance phases with enum_azuresubdomains.rb. *Code:* ## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::DNS::Enumeration def initialize(info = {}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Azure Subdomain Scanner and Enumerator', 'Description' => 'This module can be used for enumerating public Azure services by locating valid subdomains through various DNS queries.', 'Author' => ['RoseSecurity '], 'References' => [' www.netspi.com/blog/technical/cloud-penetration-testing/enumerating-azure-services' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE ) ) register_options( [ OptString.new('DOMAIN', [true, 'The target domain without TLD (Ex: victim rather than victim.org)']), OptBool.new('PERMUTATIONS', [false, 'Prepend and append permutated keywords to domain', false]), OptBool.new('ENUM_A', [true, 'Enumerate DNS A record', true]), OptBool.new('ENUM_CNAME', [true, 'Enumerate DNS CNAME record', true]), OptBool.new('ENUM_MX', [true, 'Enumerate DNS MX record', true]), OptBool.new('ENUM_NS', [true, 'Enumerate DNS NS record', true]), OptBool.new('ENUM_SOA', [true, 'Enumerate DNS SOA record', true]), OptBool.new('ENUM_TXT', [true, 'Enumerate DNS TXT record', true]) ] ) end def dns_enum(target_domains) target_domains.each do |domain| next unless dns_get_a(domain) print_good("Discovered Target Domain: #{domain} \n") dns_get_a(domain) if datastore['ENUM_A'] dns_get_cname(domain) if datastore['ENUM_CNAME'] dns_get_ns(domain) if datastore['ENUM_NS'] dns_get_mx(domain) if datastore['ENUM_MX'] dns_get_soa(domain) if datastore['ENUM_SOA'] dns_get_txt(domain) if datastore['ENUM_TXT'] end end def run # Array of subdomains to enumerate domain = datastore['DOMAIN'] subdomains = [ '.onmicrosoft.com', '.scm.azurewebsites.net', '.azurewebsites.net', '.p.azurewebsites.net', '.cloudapp.net', '.file.core.windows.net', '.blob.core.windows.net', '.queue.core.windows.net', '.table.core.windows.net', '.mail.protection.outlook.com', '.sharepoint.com', '.redis.cache.windows.net', '.documents.azure.com', '.database.windows.net', '.vault.azure.net', '.azureedge.net', '.search.windows.net', '.azure-api.net', '.azurecr.io' ] # Array of keywords to prepend and append permutations = %w[ root web api azure azure-logs data database data-private data-public dev development demo files filestorage internal keys logs private prod production public service services splunk sql staging storage storageaccount test useast useast2 centralus northcentralus westcentralus westus westus2 ] # Create permutated array of keywords and target domain if datastore['PERMUTATIONS'] permutated_domains = [] permutations.each do |keywords| permutated_domains.append("#{domain}-#{keywords}") permutated_domains.append("#{keywords}-#{domain}") end # Permutated and Normal list of subdomains target_domains = [] subdomains.each do |tld| target_domains.append(domain + tld) permutated_domains.each do |_subdomain| target_domains.append(domain + tld) end end # Query DNS records of permutated and normal target subdomains else # Query DNS records of normal target subdomains target_domains = [] subdomains.each do |tld| target_domains.append(domain + tld) end end dns_enum(target_domains) end end